本研究主要在了解照顧服務員工作價值觀與工作滿意之現況與相關性,研究對象為高雄市接受委託辦理居家服務單位及經評鑑甲等以上長期照顧機構之現任照顧服務員共計 488 人,經問卷調查回收有效樣本數為 425 份。主要研究發現包括:一、高雄市居家照顧服務員以女性為主;年齡層分佈大多集中在 41-50 歲之間;高中職學歷佔一半以上;工作年資以未滿 5 年者為眾;每月平均收入以介於20,001~30,000元為主。二、在工作價值觀的四個層面表現上,以「成就感與聲望」層面的表現位居第一,以「工作滿足感」層面的表現位居第二,以「專業發展性」層面的表現位居最後。。三、工作價值觀在「性別」變項上女性的表現比男性為佳;「服務類型」變項上則是居家服務比機構服務表現為佳,二變項在工作價值觀上有顯著差異。四、工作滿意在「性別」變項上女性照顧服務員比男性為滿意;「年齡」變項上 51~60 歲比 30 歲以下為滿意;「教育程度」變項上國小程度最為滿意依序為國中、高中職;「服務類型」變項上居家服務照顧服務員滿意程度高於機構服務之照顧服務員。。五、工作價值觀與工作滿意為高度之相關,工作價值觀中專業自主性層面與工作滿意中的工作成就關聯性最高;專業發展性層面與工作滿意中的升遷發展關聯性最低,其次為主管領導。 This study focuses on researching the relevance of the caring staff’s, concepts of job value and job satisfaction. The population is the 488 caring staffs who are serving for the Class A Units of the entrusted Kaohsiung City Home Services. The rate of the responses is 425 over 488. The main results found are as follows:1.The major caring staffs are female. The age is from 41 to 50. Half of them were graduated from Senior High School or Vocational Senior High. The years of their working experience are five years. The average incomes are between 20001 to 30000 N.T. dollars.2.The hierarchy of the population’s concepts about job values are the following:First is their achievements are reputation; second is their contentment of the jobs. Third is job professional development.3.The Variety about their concepts of work values is differential. Female’s concepts of work values are stronger than male. The item of service type is differential too. The performance of At-Home Service is better than At-Organization.4.The item of sex in the Job Satisfaction shows female staff are more content; the item of age shows the ages of 51 to 60 are more content than the ages under30; the item of Education tells us the order of the Job Satisfaction is first, those whose from elementary school were graduated; second, Junior High; third, Senior High or Vocational Senior High; the item of Service Type shows the At-Home Service is preferred to At-Organization Service.5.The relevance of the concepts of Work Values and Job Satisfaction is high. The relevance of profession and achievement is the highest. The item about the job promotion and professional development is the lowest. The item of the leadership of manager is low, too.