面對少子女化與WTO教育開放承諾的內外衝擊,近年來我國全力推動高等教育國際化,藉以提昇國內高等教育國際競爭力。本研究擬藉由公私協力模式設立之境外非營利機構「韓國首爾台灣教育中心」為研究對象;就其發展、功能、目標、執行現況之相關資料,透過相關文獻、統計數據整理並訪問相關人員歸納分析與文獻資料交互比對後。了解境外台灣教育中心推動台灣高等教育國際化的成效、未來發展及可能面臨之挑戰。亦可成為未來訂定相關政策之參考。本研究結果與建議如下:壹、台灣教育中心計畫迄今共在九個國家設立十二個中心。依統計數據顯示,各設立國學生流動確有增加,但尚無法證明與台灣教育中心設立有直接關係。貳、運算分配與運用、歸屬與歸責、國內學校對高等教育國際之認知以及各境外台灣教育中心人力資源與素養問題是計畫現階段面臨的問題。各中心均設立於無邦交國家,未取得當地NPO設立許可恐影響其身分認定與法律保障。參、整合各個學校其專精領域,並強化之進而發展各具特色專業◎◎台灣教育中心;亦或整合各部會資源,由公部門直接或委外設立專門NPO,方為長遠發展之道。 With the purpose of decelerating the hit of low-birth rate and education market opening base on WTO, Taiwan has been promoting the internationalization of higher education recent year, in order to strength the international competitive power of national higher education. This research experimented with foreign NPO “Taiwan Education Center in Seoul, Korea (TEC-KR)”, crosschecked literatures, statistics data and interviews, to examine the role and development potentials for foreign Taiwanese education centers to stimulate higher education internationalization. The results of research are presented as follows:I. Taiwan Education Center, established 12 education centers in 9 countries. Statistically, the number of student flow in center organized countries is increasing, although there is no significant evidence that it was directly relevant to the education centers.II. The regulation of budget allocation and its responsibility, Taiwanese schools’ recognitions of internationalization of higher education and the quality of human resource are the difficulties of the organization in current stage. All the education centers are set in nations with no diplomatic relations with Taiwan, without the local NPO authority could jeopardize the identity and legal protection.III. Integrate and enhance specialized areas in each school and develop professional specialized education centers, otherwise, integrates government resources and institute NPOs by officials or outsourcers are the crucial keys of long-term development.