摘要: | 本研究之主要目的是為了瞭解雲林縣虎尾鎮安慶國小校園內的生態教材園區的使用現況,是否有提升安慶國小學童對自然與生活科技領域的學習興趣,以及增加對自然與生活科技領域的知識。 本研究依對象不同而採用不同的調查方法,對學童採用問卷調查法,並將數據以SPSS統計軟體進行分析,以瞭解不同年級的學童是否因經常接觸校園中的生態教材園區,而提升對自然與生活領域的學習興趣與得到知識上的收穫;對教師則採用訪談問卷方式,經由一對一的固定題目訪談,以了解教師在使用生態教材園區教學時,學童的反應與學習狀態。 本研究調查不同年級學生下課時間有沒有去生態教材園、停留的時間及同伴性質等,問卷結果發現,在年級間無顯著差異,顯示不論哪個年級的學生於下課時間使用生態教材園的機會都很高,使用動機以放鬆心情為最多;學生每週來生態教材園的頻率,以三年級最高每週達「5次以上」,而愈高年級頻率愈低,此結果與因為下課要做其他事情或是教室太遠有關。學生停留時間以3~5分居多,其結果與下課休息時間只有10分鐘或是教室距離有關。在同伴性質部分,各年級學生的受測者最喜歡和同學去生態教材園,且以2~5人結伴居多,顯示學童喜歡找同伴一起去做一件事情,例如「休息聊天」或是一起「觀察動物」,顯示安慶國小的生態教材園除了提供自然科教學與學習等的教育功能外,更提供休息、遊憩的功能。此外在二至六年級間,多數學生認為生態教材園的生物種類和自然教學內容相符合,並認為有生態教材園可幫助對自然領域中所教的生物更容易認識。 經由對教師採用訪談結果顯示,多數教師喜歡利用生態教材園進行教學,主要原因是較符合國小課程及善用校園資源,讓學童有親身經歷,切身體驗的樂趣,以加深學習的印象。除此之外,多數教師也表示雖然在利用生態教材園進行教學活動前,需要做很多的準備工作,但是對於教學成果或是教學容易度而言,卻有大大的提升。多數自然科老師認為,使用生態教材園來輔助教學,是可以提升學童對自然與生活科技領域的學習興趣及知識。 The purpose of the study aims to investigate the current situation of the ecological educational garden at An-Cing Elementary School in Yunlin County. That is, whether to examine the ecological educational garden has increased students’ interest toward learning the subject of Nature and Science Technology and as well as gaining more knowledge about the subject or not. The study uses different kinds of research methods based on different kinds of participants. For students, a survey was given to collect students’ perspectives about the ecological educational garden in campus. The data was analyzed via SPSS software in order to understand whether the students from different grades tend to visit the ecological educational garden and simultaneously elicit their learning motivation or not. Moreover, the study also can examine whether the students have gained more knowledge toward the subject of Nature and Science Technology or not. Furthermore, both questionnaire and interview are used to gather teachers’ perspectives about the ecological educational garden. By using the interview, which can understand different teacher’s opinion about student’ reaction while integrating ecological educational garden in to their teaching. The result of the research reveals that there are no significant differences between students from different grades and their time spending on visiting the ecological educational garden with their peers. The result also found that no matter which grade the students are, most of the students have a high frequency in visiting the ecological educational garden. Moreover, in terms of students’ motivation, the third grade students have the highest frequency in visiting the garden (e.g., 5 times a week). However, the result also proves that as students’ grade are higher, the lower time they will spend on visiting the ecological educational garden. The possible explanations of this are probably that the higher grade students have more things to do during their break time or due to the long distance between their classroom and the ecological educational garden. Speaking of the time that students would like to spend on visiting the garden, the majority of the time that students would like to stay are mostly 3-5 minutes. The possible reasons are due to students’ short period of break time (e.g., 10 minutes). In terms of visiting the ecological educational garden with their peers; most of the students would like to visit the ecological educational garden with 2-5 of their peers. The result represents that students would like to visit the ecological educational garden with their peers for different kind of purposes such as taking a break and have a chat, or observing the creatures in the garden. These analyses reveal that apart from serving as the resources for teaching the subject of Nature and Science Technology, the campus ecological educational garden also provides extra function and serve as a good place for students to take a rest or playing. After analyzing several teachers’ responses from the interview, most of the teachers express that they would like to integrate the ecological educational garden while teaching the subject of Nature and Science Technology. The primary reasons are that it not only corresponds to the objectives of the curriculum design in Nature and Science but also integrate with the campus resources adequately. Moreover, the integration with ecological educational garden can also provide some opportunities for students to get involved to the authentic observation and experience the mystery of nature by themselves. By doing so, students tend to get impressed by comparing to the authentic environment and the content that they have taught in class. Therefore, although most of teachers admit that they need to do more preparation before their teaching via integrating ecological educational garden into class. However, they also express that the ecological educational garden has a great effect in facilitating students in understanding the course content easier. Moreover, it is easier for teachers to achieve the course objectives. To sum up, most of Nature and Science Technology teachers would like to integrate the ecological educational garden into their teaching because it significantly enhances students’ learning motivation toward the subject of Nature and Science Technology. |