摘要: | 近年來,台灣已進入多元族群與文化的時代,這是我們必須面對的客觀事實,在台灣跨國婚姻媒合下,形成異國聯姻日劇增多的趨勢,在這樣的情形下,台灣某些地方已急速的變成了新住民聯合國;而新住民女性在台灣生活的研究,即使有很多面向已被關注到,但在婚姻生活的面向,卻極少有人去關注,本研究將從新住民女性婚姻生活為研究方向,來探討新住民女性在台灣生活的現狀。 本研究地區以嘉義縣大埔鄉作為研究據點,主要研究對象為新住民女性;婚姻是大部份的人一種社會活動,也充滿著一連串的挑戰與學習,異國的婚姻由於雙方存有偌大差異成長背景,也因雙方的不同需求、目標、期待與彼此的差異,而引發摩擦;婚姻生活中的生活適應問題、子女教養問題、個性差異問題、學習需求問題等等,容易使婚姻生活陷入低潮,造成婚姻生活的暗礁,甚面對不同語言和文化的差異,價值觀落差…等因素,易形成異鄉環境不適應、婚姻互動不協調等問題。 本研究發現大埔鄉的新住民女性在台灣的婚姻生活常會遇到以下問題:1.溝通障礙2.文化與社會差異3.自然環境適應4.人際認同;而研究中進一步發現大埔鄉新住民女性極需要公部門提供的協助有下列數點:1.增加大埔鄉的輔導教育資源。2.辦理技能研習班。3.提供多元化的社會資源。4.多元文化融入教育課程;希望透過公部門的協助,讓這一群新台灣人可以在這一塊土地獲得公平的對待。 研究者提供幾點建議,供相關單位作為參考:1.推動生活化、人際互動等多元化課程。2.多元文化認同。3.社會福助資源應平均分配。4.重視新住民女性學習。 In recent years, Taiwan has moved into an era of mult - national and multicultural community. We must face the optimistic facts that Taiwan's increasing trend of cross-nationality marriages has evolved into a society of new united n ation. Although there are many researches conducted on the living standards of new female immigrants in Taiwan, few involved their concerns in marital life. This research will base on the marital lives of new female immigrants, and further exploring the current livelihoods of new female immigrants in Taiwan. This research will focus on the geographic area of DaPu Township, Chiayi County, with new female immigrants as the main research object. Marriage is a form of social activities for most people, marriage also comes with series of challenge and learning. There are big differences in their developmental background, as well as differences in needs, goals, and mutual expectations for each other. These are causes for raising frictions among the spouses in cross-national marriages. Within their marriages there are also adjustment issues, children's educational and behavioral issues, personality differences, learning needs and other problems that can cause the marital life to dip into a depression. Furthermore, differences in language, cultural understanding and values are resulting in poor adjustment of the foreign environment. Factors such can easily lead to miscommunication and incompatibility in marriages. This research found that DaPu Township, new female immigrant often encountered following problems in their marital lives in Taiwan: 1.communication obstacles, 2.difference of culture and society 3. adaption of natural environment, 4.social inclusion. The research further found that DaPu Township, new female immigrants needed governmental agencies to provide and assist in the following areas: 1.increase DaPu Hsiang, of counseling resources, 2.provide occupational directed education, 3.provides diversified of social resources, and 4.provide social integration courses. Hopefully through governmental assistance, this group of new Tawaines can receive fair treatment in this land. Key words:new female immigrants, marital life, government resources, community resource network. The researcher provided few points of suggestion as references for associated departments: 1.Promote social living related courses. 2.Recognize multiculturalism. 3.Equally distribute social welfare assistance resources. 4.Place importance on female new immigrants' learning. |