摘要: | 台灣四面環海,海洋漁業是沿海漁村重要的產業,也曾經造就漁村的繁榮,不過在全球化的風潮席捲之下,台灣的漁村發展已逐漸沒落,嘉義縣東石鄉也有此問題存在。本研究旨在了解東石地區的產業發展以及觀光資源,不完全偏重觀光導向,反之是試著藉由觀光發展創造出來的產值來支撐傳統產業。再透過策略的研擬讓在地產業與觀光結合,以讓當地歷史文化永續經營及傳承。 本研究採深度訪談及現地調查,了解東石鄉的產業現況以及觀光資源後,設計問卷內容,期藉由問卷了解遊客對東石鄉觀光發展的感受及認知,並且透過深度訪談政府單位、在地的居民、觀光產業經營者以及地方組織來了解他們對地方經營的態度。最後評估東石鄉觀光發展的優劣之處以及可行的策略,進而提供觀光相關業者、政府單位,作為未來促進觀光發展的參考。 本研究發現:東石鄉的產業活動、老古厝以及農、漁業生活文化與觀光做結合,必能發掘東石鄉的觀光資源。另外要充實觀光內涵,用特色化、及在地化的經營模式,可以提高遊客再遊的意願。因此,整合民間力量、培養在地人才以及加強旅遊深度,使東石鄉的產業及觀光能永續發展。 Taiwan, is surrounded by ocean where the fishing industry once thrived along the coastal fishing villages. However, as the globalization swept through, the progression of Taiwan's fishing industry has gradually declined. Chiayi County's Dongshi Township is also facing this problem. This research targets the understanding of Dongshi Township district's industrial development and its tourism resources. Instead of focusing on the trend in tourism, it attempts to use the resources brought about by tourism to support Dongshi Township's traditional industry. In addition, through strategic planning to combine real estate and tourism, allowing the local historical culture to sustain through future generations. This research first utilizes in depth interviews and on site investigation to understand the current status of Dongshi Township's industry and tourism. Thereafter, a detail survey is designed and conducted to elicit tourists' understanding and opinion on Dongshi Township's tourism development. Using the data collected to assess any strength and weaknesses in Dongshi Township's tourism progression, then develop applicable strategies and suggestions to promote tourism. The report will be provided to all tourism professionals and government agencies to serve as a reference in their future tourism developmental plan. The research discovers that Dongshi Township's tourism can flourish by combining its settlement, fishing and agricultural resources with tourism. There are historical stories on the local architecture, as well as agricultural and fishing cultures that cannot be overlooked as potential tourism resources. The value of a local industry should combine the land and culture, creating its own uniqueness. In regards to enriching tourism, aside from the obvious facility improvement, the most important aspect is in hidden management style. Distinctive and localized management style will increase the return rate of tourists. Therefore, Dongshi Township needs to improve it current management style, and also search for a local uniqueness that can be embraced. In the mean time, it is important to focus on helping Dongshi Township residents’ improving their lifestyle, recalling local stories as well as distant memories, and preserving the local culture. This will facilitate an increasing understanding and love for the village among the residence. By encouraging the residents to participate in the community affairs, the local culture will become more unique in its development. |