摘要: | 因世界氣候變遷的緣故,世界各地的天然災害也不斷地發生。台灣經歷1999 年921 大地震,2009 年的88 水災等,和鄰近國家發生的地震及海嘯等毀滅性天災,造成建築物大量的損毀或倒塌。受災戶首先面對最大的問題就是災後重建之住宅,因此,擬定一套災後可以快速重建的建築方式及解決辦法是必要的工作,台灣未來仍然可能再次面臨災後重建的問題,故有必要深入探討更多災後住宅重建問題,才有助於未來重建工作的進行。 本研究從開放式建築理論方式談災後建築構成作為主軸,探討住宅重建的方式與差異,對比莫拉克風災的永久屋政策,探究再次災害發生時,如何更完善提供災民的安全居所與構成方式,進而衍生出另一套災害發生後,達到重建快速、永續和合宜的住宅建築。 災後重建首要問題是「安定災民生活」,根據莫拉克颱風災後重建委員會所提供的安置政策,短期安置的地方收容所、中期安置的組合屋住宅和長期安置的永久屋政策,提供救災所需住宅。上述災後重建方是最大的共同之處就是時間,本研究透過Open Building 開放式建築理論,具有開放性、快速性、和永久性的建築方式,探討如何運用在時間緊迫的災後重建住宅,在短時間內解決重建問題。 次要問題便是關於建築專業者的角度,檢討永久屋政策在文化與地方特色上的無差異化,以及相似性過高等,提出一個解決文化與地方色彩的永久屋住宅型式。 Because of climate change, there were many natural disasters occurs continuously throughout the world. Taiwan went through921 earthquakes in1999, typhoon Morakot in 2009, and so on. The victims have to face the biggest problem that rebuilds their houses after disasters.For this reason, it is necessary to draw up a plan which can help peoples to reconstruct their houses quickly. Taiwan will encounter such kind task of reconstruction after disasters;therefore, a optimal resolution will be ecessary and it might guide peoples a better rebuild-process after any disasters. The topic of this study is reserch about the post-disasters construction which bases on opening architectural. This essay will discuss the modes anddifferences of reconstruction residences contrast to the policy of permanent in Morakot. It will research when the disasters occur in the future, how can apply the victims a perfect policy, and we can plan another mode which can rebuild quickly, sustainable development and with local characteristics. The first problem of post-disasters construction is making the victims’ life stably, according to the policy of Typhoon Morakot reconstruction committee resettlement, the settle place of short-term is local shelters, the meddle-term is arranged for prefabricated houses, and long-range is the policy of permanent houses, to provide the residence. There is the same point in these post-disastersconstruction is that time, this study based on Open Building theory to talk about modes of open, quick, and permanent, and it discuss how to apply to post-disasters constructions residences and solve the problems of reconstruction in the short time. The minor issue is about the point of views of professional builders, toreview the Undifferentiated of culture, local characteristics and similarities overrate in permanent houses policy. Draw up a mode of permanent residentialwhich can avoid the problems of culture and local characteristics. |