電影成為國人主要的休閒娛樂之一,情節愈貼近生活,愈能觸動觀看者的心,進而產生情感上的依戀,電影的拍攝場景因而成為觀光客慕名到訪的「景點」。電影觀光近年成為熱門話題被眾所討論之時,帶給遊客的文化體驗卻是較少被觸及的面向。 本研究以台灣第一個開放遊客參觀的電影拍攝場地,《賽德克‧巴萊》的拍攝片廠「林口霧社街」場景體驗活動做為研究場域。研究採用訪客攝影法(Visitor Employed Photography),從遊客的角度探究遊客親臨電影拍攝現場,體驗電影裡的氛圍時,可能產生的文化體驗與影響。其做法主要是透過遊客所拍攝的照片進行影像解析,並請遊客針對照片詳述其當時拍攝時的感覺,目的在於藉由照片讓受訪者更能夠表達出心中對當地的深刻的認知與情緒。 研究結果顯示,受訪者在到訪「林口霧社街」前,因看過電影的緣故,進而激發對於體驗的想像與期待,而在體驗過程中彷若走入電影般的交錯感,並連結到電影畫面產生內心情緒起伏,對於場景也有更深刻的依戀感。因此,《賽德克‧巴萊》電影所賦含觀光的文化體驗,不再僅是一段過去歷史,其幻化成真實可見且確定存在的一個地方與文化,引發訪客了解更深的歷史背景與意涵,因而有更深層的價值與意義。 Because of emotional attachment and the plots close to our daily life, those facts not merely make movie become one of important entertainment, but also appeal tourists to visit the location. While being as popular issues in the recent years, film tourism has been paid little attention to cultural experience. Via visitor employed photography, this study therefore aims to explore tourists’ viewpoints on cultural experience and its influence when visiting these locations shown in the movie. Through pictures, it is hoped that tourists can express their sensation and feelings toward local images and a place. Based upon the location (Wushe Street) of Seediq Bale, our observation shows that survey candidates already saw the movie before visiting the Street, which in some way raises their imagination and expectation toward it and makes them have a deep emotional attachment as well. In one way or another, what Seediq Bale gives is not only a cultural experience of the past, but it also provides a real and concrete place for tourists having chance to further understand its meaning and know its historical parts.