週休二日實施後,國人從事旅遊休閒活動也越來越頻繁,發生意外事件的機會也迅速上升。為了在旅遊時能多一分保障,出門旅遊投保就有其必要性。而旅遊保險規劃是否受到國人投保人身保險的同等重視?遊客的旅遊保險消費與人格特質、旅遊型態、風險管理、旅遊風險知覺與資訊蒐集的關係為何?上述變數是否會影響到遊客的旅遊保險消費行為?本研究以最近五年中有出國旅遊經驗的遊客為研究樣本,採用便利抽樣加上滾雪球抽樣方式進行問卷調查,發出問卷600份,回收432份有效問卷。 研究結果顯示:(1)嚴謹型人格特質對風險管理有顯著影響;(2)嚴謹型人格特質對旅遊風險知覺有顯著影響;(3)嚴謹型人格特質對資訊蒐集有顯著影響;(4)旅遊風險知覺對風險管理的態度有顯著之相關;(5)遊客旅遊風險知覺對團體旅遊形態的選擇有顯著之影響。 研究結果建議:旅遊與保險相關業者在旅遊活動規劃時可多提供遊客旅遊保險的相關資訊,提供遊客投保之參考;保險相關業者可在機場增設廣告或櫃檯,以增加保險訊息出現機會及提醒遊客投保;保險相關業者可研擬設計方便多元的旅遊保險產品,增加遊客旅遊保險的購買動機;遊客應加強自身的旅遊保險觀念,並依不同之旅遊性質及條件規劃合適的旅遊保險內容。 As a result of the implementation of the two-day weekends, more and more people are engaged in traveling and leisure activities. At the same time, the risks of travel accidents are also rising comparatively. In order to have more indemnification for taking a trip, travel insurance becomes a necessity for tourists. Is travel insurance equally valued as life insurance by people in Taiwan? How does tourists’ travel insurance consumption interact with personality traits of tourists, travel patterns, risk management, travel risk perception and information gathering? Do the variables mentioned above affect tourists’ travel insurance consumer behavior? In this study, people who have traveled abroad in the last five years are taken as subjects. The convenience and snowball sampling methods are used to conduct the survey with 432 valid questionnaires out of 600 issued ones. The results showed that: (1) Conscientiousness personality traits have a significant impact on risk management; (2) Conscientiousness personality traits have a significant impact on travel risk perceptions; (3) Conscientiousness personality traits have a significant impact on the information collection; (4) Travel risk perception on risk management has a significant impact; (5) Tourists’ travel risk perception have a significant impact for choosing group travel patterns. The results recommend: Travel and insurance-related agencies can provide information about travel insurance in their products for tourists’ reference. Insurance-related agencies can set up a counter or have advertisements at the airport not only to increase publicity but also to remind tourists of having travel insurance. Insurance agencies can design a variety of travel insurance products to drive tourists’ purchase desire. Tourists should enrich their knowledge of travel insurance and choose appropriate one depending on types and conditions of their traveling.