摘要: | 本論文主要目的在於探討觀光客對華山咖啡景點的購買動機、服務品質、滿意度與再購意願之間的關係。本研究受試對象為華山咖啡的觀光客,共發放400份問卷,回收有效問卷348份,有效量表回收率為87%。並以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、重要表現程度分析法(IPA)及結構方程模式等統計方法進行驗證分析,本研究結果如下所述:一、 觀光客對華山咖啡的購買動機在「年齡」、「職業」及「教育程度」、「家庭每月收入」、「居住地」有差異存在。二、 觀光客對華山咖啡的服務品質在「年齡」、「職業」及「教育程度」、「家庭每月收入」有差異存在。三、 觀光客對華山咖啡的滿意度在「年齡」有差異存在。四、 觀光客對華山咖啡的再購買意願在「年齡」及「教育程度」、「家庭每月收入」有差異存在。觀光客對華山咖啡旅遊的IPA分析顯示「6、7、8、10、11、12、14等題」為機會區,「1、2、3、4、5題」為弱勢區及「9題」則為其威脅區。五、 觀光客對華山咖啡的再購買意願的結構方程模式顯示:購買動機會直接的影響服務品質及再購買意願;服務品質對於滿意度有影響關係;購買動機經滿意度會間接的影響觀光客的再購買意願;服務品質經滿意度會間接的影響觀光客的再購買意願。 This study aims to discuss the relations among Purchase Motivation,Service Quality,Satisfaction and Repurchase.The subjects of this study were tourists in Huashan Coffee scenic spots.Total 400 questionnaires are distributed, and 348 valid copies are retrieved,with the retrieval rate 87%. The t- test, One way ANOVA, Importance Performance Analysis(IPA), and Structural Equation Model were used to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study are stated as follows: First, there were different in age, occupation, education, family monthly income and residence and purchase motivation of tourists in Huashan Coffee. Second, there were different in age, occupation, education level and family monthly income and service quality in Huashan coffee. Third, there was different in age and satisfaction of tourists in Huashan Coffee. Fourth, there were different in age, education level and family monthly income and repurchase intention of tourists in Huashan Coffee. Besides, IPA for repurchase intention of tourists in Huashan Coffee shows that the questions 6,7,8,10,11,12 and 14 are regarded as opportunities, questions 1,2,3,4 and 5 are regarded as weakness, and question 9 regarded as menace. Fifth, with Structural Equation Model repurchase intention of tourists in Huashan Coffee shows the direct effect of purchase motivation on service quality and repurchase intention, the effect of service quality on satisfaction, purchase motivation can indirectly affect repurchase intention of tourists through satisfaction, service quality can indirectly affect repurchase intention of tourists through satisfaction. |