本研究旨在探討他國棒球員對台灣的觀光意象與文化認同對移地訓練後之績效、滿意度與重遊意願的關係。藉由問卷調查方法發現觀光意象與文化認同對移地訓練後的績效與滿意度皆有正向影響關係,即正面觀光意象會提升他國棒球員移地訓練的績效與滿意度,且高度文化認同也會提升他國棒球員移地訓練的績效與滿意度。此外,本研究也發現當他國棒球員的績效與滿意度提升時,對日後來台的重遊意願也會提高。最後,本研究建議:1、提高棒球員對該移地訓練國家之觀光意象與文化認同以提升訓練績效與滿意度。2、提升自己國家的觀光意象並且在移地訓練過程中主動宣傳自己國家的文化資源以提高被他國選定為移地訓練地點之可能性,並藉此提升訓練績效與滿意度。3、提升來台移地訓練之訓練績效與滿意度以強化棒球員未來再次來台灣之重遊意願。 The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of Taiwan tourism image and cultural identity on the foreign atheists’ training performance, satisfaction and revisit intention. The results indicated that Taiwan tourism image and cultural identity both had positive influence on training performance and satisfaction. That was, positive tourism image may increase the foreign athletes’ training performance and satisfaction; positive cultural identity may also increase the foreign athletes’ training performance and satisfaction. Besides, this study found that the more positive training performance and satisfaction foreign baseball athletes had, the more intention of revisiting they did. Based on the findings, first, this study suggested that foreign athletes’ training performance and satisfaction would be increased by the improvement of Taiwan’s tourism image and cultural identity. Second, to increase the possibility of being chosen as oversea training location and the degree of the training performance and satisfaction, Taiwan had to improve the tourism image and cultural resource actively during the oversea training period. Third, to improve the foreign athletes’ training performance and satisfaction would enhance the possibility of revisit intention in the future.