摘要: | 嘉義文化路夜市歷史悠久,且極具地方文化色彩,不僅是當地居民在夜間進行休閒用途的地點,更是觀光客到嘉義旅遊時,體驗正宗地方文化的好去處。夜市裡的雞肉飯、粿仔湯、砂鍋魚頭,讓人食指大動;夜市旁文化公園多元的藝文活動,歌唱、舞蹈、樂團演奏、街頭藝人表演,更令人流連忘返。 根據交通部觀光局(2011)「來台旅客消費與動向調查」顯示,夜市是外國觀光客來台必遊景點第一名,平均每100名來台旅客中,就有74位曾經到夜市體驗。可見夜市已成為國際觀光客來台旅遊的首選景點,也是目前台灣推展觀光的新亮點。 本研究主要在嘗試瞭解文化路夜市遊客之生活型態、文化體驗、城市意象與重遊意願其間的關聯性;且在不同人口背景之統計變數下,遊客之生活型態對文化體驗、城市意象與重遊意願是否有顯著的差異;並探討遊客之生活型態、文化體驗、城市意象對重遊意願的影響。 研究方法乃以夜市遊客為對象,進行問卷調查,再將有效資料編碼建檔,並使用SPSS12統計分析軟體(Statistical Package for the Social Science)做為分析工具。將本研究所提出之假設予以驗證歸納,探討之研究結果,可對相關單位提出建言,做為日後擬定觀光策略之參考。 Chiayi Wen Hua Road Tourism Night Market has a very long history and great local cultural colors. It is not only a good place for recreational use by local residents during the night, but also a good place for tourists to experience authentic local culture while traveling in Chiayi. Moreover, thedelicacies in the night market such as chicken rice, sliced steamed cake soup, fish head casserole and etc. all smell appetizing. The Cultural Park that is next to the night market has diverse artistic and cultural activities, like singing, dancing, orchestra, and street performers for people to linger on as well. According to " The Survey of Visitors to Taiwan’s Consuming and Tendency” in the year of 2011 observed by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the first and must sight seeing spot for foreign tourists to visit Taiwan is the night market. An average of every 100 visitors to Taiwan, there are 74 who have the experience been to the night market.Thus, it can be seen that the night market not only has become the first touristattraction’schoice for international tourists to come to Taiwan but is currently the new bright spot of sightseeing to promote. This study is to try to understand the relationship with Wenhua Road Night Market visitors’ lifestyle, cultural experiences, city image and revisiting willingness. Besides, not only to explore whether there is a significant difference among lifestyle, city imageand revisiting willingness for tourists under the different demographic background of statistical variables; but to explore the influence on visitors' lifestyle, cultural experiences, city image and revisiting willingness. The objects of the study are the visitors at the night market proceed with questionnaire survey, then archive and encode data effectively by using the SPSS statistical analysis software (Statistical Package for the Social Science) as an analytical tool as well. In addition, to explore the findings by verifying and inducting the assumptions that was proposed of the study in order to offer the related organizations suggestions as the future tourism strategy for reference. |