兩岸開放探親以來,使得民間交流頻仍,兩岸通婚的情況漸增。產生的婚姻問題比以前單純的國人與國人之間的婚姻問題更形複雜,其衍生之家庭暴力、私生子、重婚納妾、賣淫嫖娼、婚外情等,導致離婚率逐年上升,又為了貪圖非法利益,高價離婚及假離婚案件時有所聞。因此導致危害社會安定及影響婦女權益。本文試著從台海兩岸相關婚姻法中分析比較,探討兩岸對婦女權利之保障,期望對於兩岸人民促進家庭和諧有所助益。 1987 exchanges between the two sides to visit relatives, non-governmental exchanges frequent cross-strait marriages are increasing. Marriage problems than before the marital problems between the simple people and the people even more complex derivative of domestic violence, children born out of wedlock, bigamy, concubinage, prostitution, extramarital affairs, divorce rate is increasing year by year, but also for the sake of illegal profits. high-priced divorce and false divorce cases from time to time. Therefore lead to harm social stability and impact of women's rights. Try this article from both sides of the Taiwan Strait Marriage Law analysis and comparison of the two sides on the protection of women's rights, and expectations of the people on both sides to promote family harmony helpful.