本研究旨在探討非語文智力測驗、非學校因素與國小學業成就的關係,並分析SPM測驗成績及非學校因素對國小學業成就的預測能力。本研究以雲林縣某國小連續六屆六年級學生共1481人為樣本,資料取自學生輔導紀錄簿及學務管理系統。分析策略分二階段實施,結合統計及資料採礦技術之關聯規則來進行資料分析。 根據分析結果顯示,國小學童男、女生在非語文智力測驗結果沒有顯著性差異。而不同家庭社經地位之國小學童在非語文智力測驗結果有顯著性差異,家庭社經地位高的國小學童在非語文智力測驗結果優於家庭社經地位低的國小學童。SPM測驗成績與國語、英語、數學、自然、社會各學科及學期成績的相關分析結果,皆呈現中度正相關。國小學童在學業成就表現上:女生優於男生;家庭社經地位高優於家庭社經地位低;雙親之家庭型態優於單親之家庭型態;手足數2人優於手足數3人以上;家中排行老大或排行老二優於家中排行老三以上;家庭氣氛和諧優於家庭氣氛不和諧;父母民主式管教優於權威式或放任式管教;父母權威式管教優於放任式管教。「家庭社經地位」及「SPM測驗成績」二個變項對國小學童之學業成就具有預測力。 The study aims to explore the relationship among non-verbal Intelligence test, non –school factors and academic achievements for elementary school pupil and to analyze the SPM test and non-school factors for their powers of prediction on the acadmic achievements of these pupils. The researcher employed consecutive six cohorts of sixth-graders composed of 1481 people at an elementary school located in Yunlin County. The data was retrieved from pupils’ counseling records and the Student Affairs Management System. The analysis strategies were implemented in two stages, incorporating the associated roles of statistics with data mining so as to proceed with the data analysis process. In accordance with the results of the analysis, the main findings of the study were as the follows : First and foremost, there are no significant differences among the non-verbal intelligence test among boys and girls of the elementary school. Secondly, there are significant differences among the results of non-verbal intelligence test among elementary school pupils from different family backgrounds and socio-economic status (SES). The pupils with high SES performed better than those with the low one on the results of non-verbal intelligence tests.Thirdly, it indicates that the results of SPM test were mildly correlated with those of the following subjects: Manderine, English, Math, Science and Sociology. Fourthly, girls scored higher on academic achievements than boys. Moreover, the pupils from high SES performed better than those from the low one. The pattern of two-parents is superior to those of the single-parent family. The numbers of siblings also counts. The families with one sibling outmatched those of three.The atmosphere and the ways of discipline in the families matter greatly as well. Families surrounded with harmonious atmosphere and democratic ways of discipline outperformed the ones with contrary characteristics. Fifthly, we can predict the pupils’ academic achievements through two variables, namly SES and the results of SPM test.