語意網技術(Semantic Web Technology)在近幾年來蓬勃發展,它的主要功用是要讓電腦或軟體代理人(Software Agent)能讀懂資料的語意,以方便資料的分享、搜尋與再利用。 在家庭生活之中,水電設備及各種小家電十分的普及。然而,眾多的設備使用了一段時間難免會遇到故障的情形,使得方便生活的同時,也帶來了一絲的困擾。由於設備五花八門,故障的情形不同,排除故障所需的工具及方式亦不同。再加上人力成本增加,一般家庭的小型維修大多數的商家不大樂意從事,因而叫修困難且拖延費時。雖然目前有些網站也提供一些居家修繕的資訊,但大多數過於分散而缺乏統合,以致使用者要耗費更多的時間與成本來進行搜尋。 為了解決上述的問題,本文應用語意網技術,建置一個以知識本體(Ontology)為基礎的居家修繕語意查詢系統。本系統可以提供一般大眾,居家修繕需求之參考資訊,並據此自行簡易修繕(亦即DIY)以節省時間與成本。 The Semantic Web Technology has been very prosperous recently. Its main function is to help computers or software agents understand the meanings of data and make information be found, shared, and reused more conveniently. Household utilities and appliances are common in our daily life. They are usually convenient, but sometimes encounter troublesome when they are needed. Some of them may break down after being used over a long period of time. For different machine problems, it takes repairmen lots of time to find out the corresponding methods and various tools for fixing them. To make things worse, some small maintenance centers can't afford to fix them. That means it will cost a lot to have someone repair them. Some websites list pieces of information for home improvement, but most of them are scattered and without integration. In order to solve the above problems, this thesis applies the semantic web technology to build an ontology-based semantic search system for home improvement. The system provides the populace with possible solutions for their need of home improvement. With its help, they may know how to make simple DIY (Do It Yourself) fixings to save their time and money.