本研究旨在針對英國與臺灣兩地的消防體系進行深入之研究,特別著重在消防組織型態與體制、消防勤務內容以及消防教育培訓三大方面,其次從以上三方面對於英國與臺灣兩地消防體制進行比較,希望借鏡英國在消防體制、消防人員培訓、以及消防員的教育上的經驗,達到提昇我國消防搶救能力的目的,同時增進國人對於消防相關知識的認識與重視,同時也希望藉此作為政府單位未來規劃或制定相關政策時的參考依據。 This dissertation aims to investigate the development of and compare the fire services systems in both the United Kingdom and Taiwan, R.O.C. The main focus will be on three main aspects: namely, the fire services organizations, the detailed duties of firefighters, and the firefighters’ education and training. By understanding similarities and differences of the fire services systems between the UK and Taiwan, this dissertation offers the British experience to Taiwan and attempts to arouse more attention and cognition of the Taiwanese towards the welfare of firefighters in Taiwan.