本研究旨在探討接受不同的語言教學模式,其幼兒之語言能力發展的差異情形,研究對象選取嘉義地區符何語言「分科」及「統整式」教學之幼兒園各一班之5-6 歲大班幼兒,以歐慧敏(2003)「幼童多元智慧觀察量表」中的語文智慧觀察分量表,及研究者自編之「幼兒語言能力發展檢核表」探討幼兒之語言能力發展情形。 本研究採用比較研究方法,並輔以參與式觀察研究法蒐集兩班特質之質性資料以瞭解兩班學童語言能力發展與接受不同的語文教學模式間之關係;獲致如下的結果:一、接受語言分科教學之幼兒與接受統整式教學之幼兒,其語言「聽力理解」及「口語表達」能力沒有顯著差異。而接受語言分科教學之幼兒,其「閱讀理解」及「書寫發展」能力顯著優於接受統整式教學之幼兒。接受語言分科教學之幼兒,其語言能力發展顯著優於接受語言統整式教學之幼兒。二、接受語言分科教學之幼兒,其各項語言能力皆未因為不同的性別而有顯著差異。接受語言統整式教學之幼兒,其語言「聽力理解」、「口語表達」、「書寫發展」能力並未因為不同的性別而有顯著差異,而女性幼兒之「閱讀理解」能力顯著優於男性。幼兒之語言能力發展會因為不同的性別而有顯著差異。三、透過質性之資料發現,語言分科教學之幼兒聽力接收、理解正確;具豐富的說語詞能力;閱讀、理解題目正確,且能認讀國字;注音拼音和國字書寫正確。語言統整式教學之幼兒具有自發性的專心聽故事行為;幼兒對話語句完整、有邏輯性;具自發性的閱讀行為;卻較不具備書寫能力的特質。 The purpose of this study was to undersatnd the influence of different curriculum models on young children’s language development. The subjects were two groups of 5-6 year old children who each conform to the “Disciplinary” and “Intergration” in Chiayi. To undersatnd the young children’s language development, such tools as “the linguistic intelligence of Children MI Observation Scale” and “Young Children’s Language Development Checkist”. The results revealed:1.There are no significant differences between children who using the “Disciplinary” and “Intergration” in “Listening Comprehension” and “Oral Expressive”. The children who using the “Disciplinary” are significantly higher than who using the “Intergration” in “Reading Comprehension” and “Writing Development”. Children’s language development who using the “Disciplinary” are significantly higher than who using the “Intergration”.2.Children’s language development are no significant differences who using the “Disciplinary” between difference sexual. Who using the “Intergration”, the “Listening Comprehension”, “Oral Expressive”, and “Reading Comprehension” are no significant differences between difference sexual, but the female’s “Reading Comprehension” is significantly higher than the male. There are significant difference exists on children’s language development at difference sexual.3.According to the qualitative data to know: the children who using the “Disciplinary” can learn, and understand correct in listening; speak abundant words and phrases; correct in reading comprehension words; correct in spelling and writting. The children who using the “Intergration” will to concentrate their attention on listening stories on their own initiative; the coversations are complete and logicality; will spontaneous to read; however, there are lack of writing skill.