本研究主要目的在探討睡眠衛生教育之介入措施,對於慢性精神科機構住民睡眠品質之影響。研究採取立意取樣的橫斷式研究設計,參與實驗者皆為精神科醫師診斷罹患精神疾病至少兩年以上,且目前是慢性精神科機構住民。研究者除了與受測者進行面對面訪談,並由受測者自填問卷內容,以PSQI測得≧6分者為睡眠障礙的條件,做為睡眠衛生教育措施的研究對象。針對彰化某精神康復之家住民為收案對象,前測共計發出問卷81份,回收有效問卷81份,篩選後符合上述睡眠障礙(PSQI≧6分)條件者有38人,並隨機分配為實驗組與對照組進行實驗處理研究。其實驗設計全程共計六週,計畫於實驗前一週給予前測及第三週中測,於實驗結束之後一週予以後測,同時進行半結構式衛教成效訪談,經由睡眠衛生課程之執行,比較實驗組與對照組之間的差異。本研究工具採用「匹茲堡睡眠品質評估量表」(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI),並配合自擬的「基本屬性」和「人口特徵變項」以作為更客觀的附加資料收集。統計方式採描述性統計,以單因子單變項共變數分析及訪談內容進行資料分析。結果顯示實驗組之前測平均睡眠品質(PSQI)得分為10.41分,經由實驗介入,其後測平均睡眠品質(PSQI)得分為4.33分,調整後平均數為3.82分,遠優於對照組之8.46分。實驗組於接受睡眠衛生教育措施後,睡眠障礙的改善顯著優於控制組,證明經由睡眠衛生課程的介入,對於慢性精神科機構住民的睡眠障礙有顯著成效。依據研究結果,期望提供相關從業人員照護此類病患及未來相關研究之參考。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sleeping hygiene education intervention on the sleeping quality for residents in the chronic psychiatric institution. A cross-sectional study of purposive sampling was conducted. Participants in the experiment were diagnosed by psychiatrists with psychosis, suffering from psychosis for at least two years. The participants also reside in the chronic psychiatric institution currently. In addition to face-to-face interview, the participants were required to fill out a questionnaire. Participants with PSQI measure ≧6 points to the conditions of sleep disturbance are defined as research subjects of the sleep hygiene education measures. A total of 81 questionnaires were sent in the pre-test, and 81 valid questionnaires were recovered. 38 participants met the criteria for consistent sleep disturbance (PSQI≧6) and were randomly assigned to the experimental group and control group in an experimental treatment study. The experiment lasted for six weeks, a pre-test was given one week prior to the experiment, and middle-test was given in the third week. The post-test was given one week after the end of the experiment, and the participants were interviewed with about effectiveness of semi-structured health education. The differences between the experimental group and control group were compared through implementation of sleep hygiene courses. Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) as well as the self designed basic properties and variables of demographic characteristics served as the study instruments. Related data were analyzed through descriptive statistic, one-way ANCOVA and interviewed content. The average quality of sleep (PSQI) of the experimental group was 10.41, which was later measured as 4.33 through the experimental intervention and adjusted as the average of 3.82, regarded as the result with more effectiveness than the control group of which 8.46 of sleep quality was measured. The experimental group with which the sleep health education was applied revealed obvious improvement of sleep disorders much more than the control group, implying that intervention of sleep hygiene courses had significant effects on sleep disorders of residents in the chronic psychiatric institution. Finally, the findings are expected to provide reference for related employees while dealing with such patients and for further study in the future.