本文題目為「霹靂布袋戲人物一頁書佛教生死觀點之探析」,本研究所欲探討之霹靂布袋戲中一頁書角色的佛教生死觀點。一頁書角色為佛教高僧,是霹靂布袋戲三大支柱之一,以宗教面向來看待生死議題。本文以一頁書為探討對象,試圖以佛教生死議題作為切入點,去理解一頁書在霹靂世界中的佛教生死觀點思想,對現代人能提供那些生死智慧與八正道實踐的思惟參考。 本論文共分為六章,第一章陳述研究霹靂布袋戲一頁書的動機與目的。第二章為學術現況與文獻探討。第三章為研究方法與設計,本研究以詮釋現象學為主要的研究方法。第四章探討一頁書本體與各分身角色性格的佛學分析。先分析個體化歷程,再探討角色脈絡中的聖格、俗格之間的關聯,並分析一頁書功夫所蘊含的佛學思想。第五章探討一頁書在霹靂世界裡的生死歷程之中,所呈現的佛教生死觀點。第六章對前幾章作出整體回顧,並提出未來的研究發展的建議與本研究的反思與限制。 This study aims at discussing the views of Buddhism Life and Death through a character of the Pili Puppet Theater. Yik Ya Shu, a Buddhist monk, is one of the three pillar characters of Pili Puppet Theater and is a good example of proposing a religious-oriented issue. Researcher here penetrates on the subject of Life and Death from a Buddhist view to understand the contributions of Yik Ya Shu toward modern people; The study here intends to find out the influences of Yik Ya Shu on both the related life and death wisdoms and the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path toward the audiences. There are total six chapters in this thesis. Aside from the motivation and purpose of discussing the Pili Puppet Theater, the second chapter will go on a current academic status and literature review. The research methods and design are put in chapter Three, the Interpretative Phenomenology is the main strategy of this study. Chapter Four explores the subject of Yik Ya Shu and his various Buddhist avatar character roles. It includes: the process of individualization, the association of sacred and mortal fields among the contextures of puppet roles and the Buddhist thought Yik Ya Shu has conveyed through his behaviors. Chapter Five discusses how are the views of Buddhism Life and Death presented through the life and death struggling of the character, Yik Ya Shu. And final, in Chapter Six the researcher will make an overall review toward the former chapters, the suggestions of the development of similar studies in the future and the reflections and limitations of this thesis.