摘要: | 高齡化社會的來臨,使得老化及如何達成健康老化議題,格外受到注目與重視。本研究選取國小教科書與高齡者議題相關度最高的健康與體育領域作為研究對象。有鑑於健康與體育教科書的編排方式以圖片為主,文字為輔,為了要深入瞭解教科書中高齡者議題背後隱含的意義,質性的探究詮釋將更具價值與意義,故本研究採用質性內容分析法,選取南一、康軒、翰林三個版本各十二冊,總共有三十六冊為範圍。依據研究題目將內容分為生理健康、心理健康、社會參與等三個層面,探究不同版本教科書中包含那些高齡者概念及內容,教導學生看待高齡者。 本研究發現包括下列五項:(1)各版本教科書有關高齡者教育呈現內涵差異不大。(2)在生理健康方面,描繪高齡者的形象,不離「老、病、弱」,易加深刻板印象。(3)心理健康層面描繪快樂、熱情、開朗、積極等正向情緒內容較少,而負面情緒寂寞、沮喪,擔憂等呈現較多。(4)社會參與方面,對社會貢獻內容呈現貧乏,出現場景大多是家庭,社區,過於單調。(5)老化議題呈現,內容零碎缺乏系統性,但內容編輯以圖畫呈現為主,編排活潑,易吸引學生目光,有促進學生學習動機之功。 根據上述研究結果,本研究針對高齡者教育政策,課程編輯設計與授課教師分別提出建議,希望提供高齡者教育議題有新的思惟,引發更多之研究,促進高齡者教育能更受重視,更臻完善。 Facing rapidly aging, healthy aging has become major issue around the world. This study explores aging related subjects in the field of health and physical education in elementary school textbooks. Since current textbooks employ pictures mostly, while words are used only for complementary purpose, this study takes qualitative research approach to analyze the implications of the content. There are three version textbooks of Nani, Kang Hsuan and Han Lin publishers, covering twelve volumes in each textbook that totally thirty-six volumes are reviewed about elder education and how to treat the elder. Based on the context, three major components are classified: physical health, mental health, and social participation. Five major findings of this study are as following: (1)There are few differences among three version textbooks. (2)For physical health, the stereotype of the elder is frail, ill, and weak. (2)For mental health, the positive phrases like happiness, enthusiasm, optimism, and vigor are little used ; on the contrary, the negative phrases such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety are used very often. (3)For social participation, the elder do little feedback to the society, and their activities are usually limited in the family or community. (5)Overall, the contents of aging issues are presented too fragmented, nevertheless, using pictures rather than words can attract the students’ attention. Based on research findings, three aspects of suggestions for improving elder educational policy, textbook editing design, and instructors’ empowerment can be derived. |