『善因行銷』在台灣出現愈來愈高,希望就非營利組織機構的雲林家扶中心的心願樹為例,以探究善因行銷的運作;因雲林家扶中心位處於老幼人口比率偏高,經濟弱勢、隔代教養、文化刺激及醫療資源不足等環境因素,希望就此研究分析歸納,能提供位處偏遠的社福單位參考。(一)、雲林家扶中心善因行銷成功關鍵因素在於塑造讓媒體心動的議題資料與活動訴求內容,教育社會愛心分享的功能發揮,將能達到事半功倍之效。(二)、雲林家扶中心決定採行善因行銷行為的考量與決策形成,藉由非營利組織吸引社會大眾關注及參與的公益性質的特殊性,取得「低廣告成本,高宣傳效果」的實質利益。(三)、採行善因行銷之雙方合作過程與行銷模式的建立。最理想的情況是能「由小到大,由淺入深」的漸進式合作。(四)、善因行銷行為的人力配置,惟因「人」是行銷工作成敗的主要關鍵所在,因此特別突顯出雲林家扶對於善因行銷在人的布局的重要性。 也期待以雲林家扶中心善因行銷之研究,應該是明確及具引發認同的專案公益計畫作為行銷活動的特定主題訴求,並結合單位的組織使命,同時兼顧合作單位之品牌形象及定位,來凸顯行銷宣導的重心所在。用諸於社會福利單位身上,也就是議題的型塑及與整體活動的搭配設計包裝,是在善因行銷計畫案中不可缺少的重要環節工作,為雲林家扶未來所要積極面對思考的重要課題。 期盼未來能將善因行銷的實質功能予以發揮,促使在政府及民間共同參與的機制運作下,藉由各界對於善因行銷的認知的提高,並督促完善的社福體制的健立,提升非營利組織的捐款運用的品質,使出錢、出力者都滿意於其善心的用途,達到非營利組織、企業及消費者間真正「三贏」目標的實現。 The frequency for the application of cause-related marketing in Taiwan is getting higher. This study will take the “Wish Trees” located in Yulin Branch Office, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families as an example to discuss how it works. In Yulin, most of the people are old and young, economically disadvantaged, grandparent-raising, lack of cultural stimulation and medical resources. We wish the results of the study will provide useful information to those NGO located in the remote areas. The study shows: (1) The attractive advocacies and campaigns are the key factor of the success for the cause-related marketing applied in Yulin Branch Office. Through the media, it will help promote the concept of the social responsibilities to the public. (2) The main reason for adopting cause-related marketing in Yulin Branch Office is due to its low cost and high promotion efficiency. It will draw people’s attentions and interests to get involved in the public welfares. (3) Through the application of the cause-related marketing, it will cooperate step by step with other organization.(4) The personnel are the main key factor for success. Therefore, Yulin Branch Office has especially paid attention to these matters. The main target of this cause-related marketing is the public welfares. Through the application, it will promote and strengthen the mission, imagine and the status of Yulin Branch Office. Both of the content of the advocacy and the design of the campaign will be taken into consideration seriously. We wish the cause-related marketing will bring more benefits to the government and the public. We also expect that the system of social welfares can be completely established which will improve the application of the funds donated by the public. The best result will help create a three-way win for the NGOs, enterprises and the public.