本研究旨在探討,民眾參與民間救難組織團體之動機、過程與意願,和民間救難組織團體目前運作方式、成員互動方式、成員面對衝突的因素,以及參與民間救難組織團體對其個人生涯學習過程之影響。並透過量性研究的方法,以問卷方式對已參與嘉義縣水上救生協會教練、水中救援隊隊員及會員進行問卷調查,再透過敘述性統計分析的方式,將問卷所得數據,以各式分析模式,進行分析研究。 研究結果顯示參與民間救難組織團體年紀越資深者動機就越不熱絡,對於年資較深者要擬定一套如何活化他們的動機,服務志工時數越多者,越容易產生衝突,服務年資越久,越能了解民間救難組織團體運作方式。 The purpose of this study will investigate the motivation and willingness of participation a non-governmental rescue team. Also, the interactive among the members when facing conflicts as well as the learning process of a non-governmental rescue team will be studied. Through quantitative research methods, questionnaire has been distributed to the coaches, the water rescue team members in Chiayi County Lifesaving Association for a survey and then run a descriptive statistical analysis. The study shows that senior members have less enthusiasm in participation the rescue organizations. It is important to develop a motivating program for seniority. The longer of the service volunteers in the rescue bodies, the more prone to conflict. Therefore, to deal with the conflicts between the senior members is the key success of a non-governmental rescue team.