摘要: | 本研究旨在探討身心障礙福利機構內部創業模式與策略,母機構如何創辦一個新事業單位採用的創業模式與策略,藉以獲得政府及社會各界重要資源,以完成創建新事業的計劃,來達成組織的使命與目標。研究對象為位於嘉義縣東石鄉的聖心教養院,其創辦敏道家園的歷程,本研究使用兩種資料證據的來源,包括半結構式訪談、非營利組織本身提供的檔案文件(提供創辦敏道家園的歷史資料、組織架構圖、方案計劃、公文、董事會資料、網頁…)等。 主要的研究發現包括:一、內部創業模式與歷程分為需求評估階段、籌備階段、建設期及創立期等四個階段。二、內部創業策略制定過程分為層級及主要活動兩方面,層級包含有籌備小組團隊領導者、董事會管理及政府部門,主要活動包含定義、推動、策略性情境及結構性情境。三、身心障礙福利機構與企業內部創業模式之相同性包括:1.創業資金之提供,皆有母機構籌資支付。2.創業團隊有內部高階主管及各專才參與。3.創業領導者或發起人為母機構精神領袖,具有強烈的使命與組織文化信念。4.重視人力的培訓與養成。5.創業流程相同。身心障礙福利機構與企業內部創業模式之差異性包括:1.資金來源不同,企業由母集團全額籌資提供,而身心障礙福利機構則由政府補助及社會捐助,資金來源不易掌握。2.發展歷程採用模式均不同,身心障礙福利機構新創事業歷程之內外條件尚需考量政府法規之要求,而企業則較依自身發展業務需求為考量,限制較少。3. 身心障礙福利機構籌設新機構目的以社會性需求服務為創立要件,企業則著重市場需求性為創業要件。4.新創事業之建築工程與開辦設備採購原則,身心障礙福利機構若接受政府補助者,需受政府採購法規範,企業因為自身資金的籌資,較不受規範。5.新事業單位之營運,企業大多採用多品牌集團化策略,身心障礙福利機構則不一定採用此模式,目前仍以單一品牌集權化策略較多。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the internal entrepreneurship model and strategy within the social services organization, like how the parent institution start a new business unit, using the business model and strategy in order to get the important resources of the government and the community so as to complete the plan to create a new business and achieve the mission and goals of the organization. The study aimed at the process how the Sacred Heart Orphanage, located in Chiayi, found the Francis home. This study uses two data sources including semi-structured interviews, the archive from the non-profit organizations, such as the historical data about setting up Francis, organization chart, the program plan, document, information of the Board, website and so on. The main findings are mentioned as following. First, the internal entrepreneurship model and process is divided into four stages- the needs assessment phase, the preparatory phase and the construction period and the creation period. Second, the entrepreneurial strategy-making process is sorted into the level and major activities. The level includes the preparatory group of team leaders, the Board and government departments. The main activities contain definitions, the promotion of the strategic situation and the structural situation. Next, the social services organizations and the enterprise business have some similarities on the internal entrepreneurship models. Both of their funds are raised by the parent institution. Entrepreneurial teams, internal executives and professionals are deeply involved. Entrepreneurial Leaders or sponsors who are the spiritual leaders own beliefs and senses of a strong responsibility and organizational culture. The manpower training and development are emphasized. The entrepreneurial processes are the same. There are also some differences on the internal entrepreneurship models adopted by the social services organizations and the enterprise business. The fund fully financed by the parent institution while that of social services organizations come from government subsidies and social contributions. The source of funds is not easy to be under control. Then, the different models of the development process are applied. For the newly created social services organizations, internal and external conditions of the development path still have to be affected by the requirements of government regulations. However, the enterprisers just need to bear their own development business needs in mind, which has less restriction. Third, social services organizations set up the new organization to meet the social needs while the purpose of private enterprises focuses more on the market demand. Next, when social services organizations receive government subsidies, the principles for the new construction and the equipment procurement, is subject to the norms of the Government Procurement Law. The enterprises’ use of their own funds is unregulated. Last, the operation of new enterprise institutions are multi-brand group strategy. Social services organizations may not apply this mode, but still use the single-brand centralization strategy more. |