嘉義市的北門地區自日治時期時已是嘉義市重要經濟發展的地區,因而留下多處珍貴的文化資產,必須瞭解嘉義市北門地區在地文化資產價值的重要性,以目前公部門一套歷史建築保存再利用作法,對於嘉義林區管理處以「檜意森活村」保存、修復、再利用,以全區一次OT(Operate Transfer 營運-移轉)的方式委外經營管理方式,其優缺點就像一體兩面。藉此以私部門歷史性建築玉山旅社以「自力修屋」方式及日本妻籠宿再利用案例分析,提出可以讓公部門歷史建築再利用方式擺脫只以硬體工程為主之不適宜框架,爲北門地區增加一些精采的創意、增加社會力量及民間參與機會,利用這二個案例之合作以提升整區文化資產的價值,可以給嘉義市歷史建築保存再利用得到啟發,亦可以作為嘉義市歷史建築再利用經營管理的參考指標。 The north gate area of Chiayi City has been an important region for economic development in Chiayi City since the Japanese occupation, with many remaining valuable cultural assets. It is important to note the northern region’s valuable support for local cultural properties. There have been great efforts from the public sector to preserve, sustain and reuse historic and heritage places such as the Huiyi Senhuo Village in the Chiayi forest district. A unique OT (Operate-Transfer) method was adopted to outsource operation and management. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. Case analyses were also conducted on the private restoration of the historic Yushan Hotel and the adaptive reuse of the Japanese Tsumago-juku. It was concluded that the public sector would remove unsuitable framework with hardware engineering as well as implement innovative ideas and provide more opportunities for social participation. Through the said case analyses, this research intends to promote the value of cultural properties in the entire region and create awareness on the preservation and adaptive reuse of Chiayi’s historic architecture. It could also serve as a reference source for operating and managing historic architecture in Chiayi City.