歷史並非是單一政體所記錄下的文體,常民文化是具有普遍性、易親近的特色,是所有在那個時間點裡所發生事件,是在那一個年代中所有社會大眾各階層所經歷的過程,本研究就從嘉義阿嬤的口述中看見在日治時代的女性生活。 父權象徵秩序是漢民族生活習性中屬於統治家的主權所在,就在日治時代中女性逐漸走出家空間權力所設限的生活範圍,以往女性較沒有機會讀書、求學,在日本政府提倡國民教育中讓女性有了求知的機會;女性原本依附著男性經濟體下生活,也在日治時期漸漸嶄露頭角成為職業婦女;也因此女性有更多的機會進入在公共領域生活,女性自我為主體的意識也漸漸有展現機會。 本論文以「嘉義市人文關懷協會」在「嘉義之音廣播電台」的「在地人精神」節目,訪問嘉義阿嬷的生活故事的訪談自述內容為題材。分別以「女人的家」、「女性、私領域」及「女性進入公共空間」這三大類進行探討與分析,本文期待這些在地女性,透過口述發現在日治時代女性生活所構築的歷史與生活場景,為嘉義地區呈現出有跡可循的常民生活史。 History is not created under a single regime, and the ordinary native culture is formed by all events and processes experienced by the people from different hierarchies during a certain period of time. This research, initiated from the narration of an elderly madam in Chiayi, catches sight of feminine life during the times while Japanese were ruling Taiwan. As patriarchy had been bringing about huge influence on Han people, females had less freedom and opportunities to pursue their own education. However, it was from the Japanese-ruled period that Taiwanese females started to free themselves from the limitation, and thus join the public society. Japanese government advocated education, which offered opportunities for women not only to study but also to work out of home. This then led women to enter into the public society and triggered their self-consciousness. This thesis is based on the narration of an elderly madam’s life, and this narration was picked from an interview on a radio program called Yun-Chia Events, held by Chiayi City Humanity Association. The research analyzes and discusses three main fields, including the Existence, the privacy of females, and women in public. The research is looking forward to presenting the ordinary native culture within Chiayi area, which is concluded and constructed out of the narration of the story and life of the native women.