本研究乃探討潛水簡報對潛水客海洋環境保護知識與人口統計變項的關係。實驗結果發現潛水客的年齡、教育程度、潛水經驗等級、潛水活動與海洋環境保護知識之間存在顯著差異性。以潛水經驗等級較高者擁有的海洋環境保護知識較高;而潛水活動以進行船潛活動的潛水客之海洋環境保護知識最高。潛水客的潛水簡報進行方式的不同與海洋環境保護知識的差異分析顯示,實施紙本閱讀與課程規劃之潛水簡報實施方式所獲得的海洋環境保護知識分數較高;反之,以口頭講述的方式實施潛水簡報,所獲得的海洋環境保護知識分數則相對較低。由以上研究結果得知,潛水簡報的實施方式會影響潛水客吸收海洋環境保護知識的多寡;根據本研究結果建議,應以紙本閱讀或由專業的課程設計來進行海洋環境保護相關知識的教授;或將海洋環境保護的相關知識規劃在考取證照的教材之內,藉此達到有效教導並提升整體潛水客的海洋環境保護知識,降低海洋環境的破壞,達到海洋觀光永續發展的目的。 This study aims to examine the difference in ocean preservation knowledge among the groups with different presentations of dive briefing, the difference in ocean preservation knowledge between demographic variables were examined as well. The results reveal that there are significant differences in ocean preservation knowledge on diving experiences, education, age, and diving activity of divers. In other words, experienced divers and divers participated in boat diving have higher scores in knowledge. On the other hand, the groups which read dive-briefing and participated in organized curriculum have higher scores on knowledge more than oral briefing. By the results above, the types of dive briefing, as we have seen, affect the knowledge of ocean preservation. It is necessary to have professional and designed curriculum for scuba divers, and to include these curriculum in teaching materials of license program in order to enhance the levels of knowledge on preservation, reduce damages of oceanic surroundings, and a long-term development of marine tourism.