國內外相關文獻顯示併購能夠提昇經營效率,由於台灣產險業是一相當競爭、營運風險高、業務種類複雜,所有權結構及銷售方式多元,受高度監理限制的產業,此產險業之特殊性,併購活動是否存在相同效果令人矚目。 本研究透過資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)和麥氏指數(Malmquist Index),衡量1999至2005年台灣產險業之併購前後三年之經營效率,旨在探討併購對台灣產險業經營效率之影響,檢視台灣產險業併購前後經營效率是否提昇,並比較具有併購經驗公司與無併購經驗之產險公司其經營效率是否存在差異。本研究發現產險公司於併購後經營效率確實提昇且具有併購經驗之產險公司於併購後經營效率皆高於無併購產險公司,因此參與併購之產險公司在經營效率上的確較具有優勢,此結果隱含併購能使產險公司更有效使用資源,並達到規模經濟效果。 The relevant literature shows that mergers and acquisitions (M&As) can enhance operational efficiency. The property and casualty insurance industry in Taiwan is a very competitive business. The property and casualty insurers are highly regulated and are subject to numerous legal restrictions and regulations. As a result, the impact of M&A on operating efficiency is needed to research. In this study, we used Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Index to evaluate the operational efficiency of property and casualty insurers in Taiwan. The effect indicates that the property and casualty insurers in Taiwan are progressively improving during the period. Finally, the company's manage efficiency of M&As is equivalent to that without M&As in Taiwan's property and casualty insurance industry.