本研究旨在了解目前網路社群使用行為對台中市龍井區國小六年級學童班級認同度的現況及其影響因素,並探究背景變項、電腦網路使用經驗、班級對使用電腦網路支持程度與國小高年級學童與家庭、班級組織認同度之間的關係。本研究將以自編之「網路社群使用行為對國小六年級學童班級認同問卷」為測量工具;將以問卷有效樣本進行299份以上國小六年級學生進行問卷調查;以T-test相關分析等統計方法分析資料,並且歸納解析研究成果。希望透過社群網路便捷性、多樣化以及多面向特性,分析國小高年級學童對網路社群使用行為,且可透過相關性的設計,找出特定因子關係組合引導國小六年級學童對班級組織認同有正面的影響。研究結果顯示不同的使用者特性對於社群網路的使用行為會產生顯著差異,社群網路的知覺易用性、知覺有用性以及使用意願與班級認同感會產生顯著差異。問卷結果顯示國小學童使用網路社群不僅分享個人心情與分享網站遊戲功能,對於協助學習成就,加強與班級互動部份也都有正向的影響。 The purposes of this study is to realize the situation of web community using behavior, and to establish the relationships between class of organizational identification and web community using behavior for senior elementary school children in Longjing area, Taichung City. The major characteristic properties of independent variable are separated from several factors, such as background varies, computer experiences, degree of encouragement from familiarly and school and so on. The dependent variables discussed are: the using behavior of web community and class of organizational identification. The measurements of these variables are defined by our own designed questionnaire. The title of the questionnaire is “Questionnaire of web community using behavior in class of organizational identification for elementary school senior students”. The methods of statement statistics, t-test… etc. are used to calculate the significant difference for these dependent and independent variables. The results show the significant difference of using behavior of web community via different the major characteristic properties of student. It can be explained that the behavior of these senior elementary school student are still under controlled for their patents and teacher from school. Therefore, there is also significant differente of class of organizational identification via the TAM analysis of web community using behavior. Finally, the overall results show that the using behavior of web community for senior elementary school students would helpful and bring positive effects on the upgrade of study achievement and more frequency interaction between classmates which enable to increase the organizational identification.