改革開放以來,中共海上貿易頻繁、石油航路及周邊的主權衝突,均聚焦在海上,一般多認為中共發展航艦,就是為了上述實戰的需要,但在這種背景下卻仍歷經二十餘年努力而未能形成戰力,只能說是航艦武力所需的技術門檻太高所致。然而,另一種相對少見的相反觀點卻也存在:航艦技術並不困難,中共發展航艦只是為了炫耀,用來彰顯其大國地位而已,優先次序並不高。這兩種相對立的觀點究竟孰是孰非?本文從航艦武力的發展歷程、中共航艦相關軍備的發展狀況,以及中共航艦實戰價值的分析,發現常見的觀點其實缺乏根據,相對少見的相反觀點才較為可信。 The People’s Republic of China turns its attention to sea power in recent years. After a development of more than two dacades in aircraft carriers, PRC has yet been able to put them into combat. Common interpretations believed that PRC urgently develop aircraft carriers for combat, but the technical challenge of aircraft carriers is too high to overcome. This thesis put forward an entirely different logic: PRC develops carriers to show off. Technologies of a carrier force are not particularly difficult and PRC have already possessed all of them. Combat value of Carriers is not high for the PRC. PRC just develops the carriers for the prestige and is not a high priority.