美國與中國是當前國際體系中最重要的兩個國家,兩國的互動影響世界及亞太局勢的發展。本研究採取政策研究與歷史研究途徑,探討美國小布希政府至歐巴馬政府對中國政策的持續與變遷,並比較兩個政府對中國外交政策的異同。本研究發現,小布希政府上任之初從現實主義角度出發,將中國視為「戰略競爭者」,但九一一事件後,小布希政府改變其對中國的定位,將中國視為「合作夥伴」。小布希政府在第二任期內,更將中國定位為「負責任的利益攸關者」。歐巴馬政府上任後,最初與中國維持良好關係,但其雙方關係因全球氣候變遷問題之爭執而惡化,2011年起,歐巴馬政府更在亞太地區採取對中國重新圍堵之佈署。本研究認為,美國不同政府對中國政策的變化,反映出美國面臨的戰略局勢變遷,亦反映出中國實力的上升。隨著中國力量的日益強大以及兩國互賴的日益加深,美國未來的政府對中國採取強硬政策的可能性將下降。 The United States of America and China are two of the most important countries in the contemporary world system. The interactions of these two countries will influence the development of the world and Asia-Pacific region. By using comparative policies and historical research approaches, this study examines the continuity and change of the U.S. foreign policy toward China from the Bush (George W. Bush) administration to the Obama administration. This study also compares the similarities and differences of the two administrations’ China policies. The research found that the first Bush administration by taking the view of realism, considers China as a “strategic competitor” to the US. After the 911 incident, however, the Bush administration changes its original position and considers China as a “cooperative partner” to the US. During the second Bush administration, U.S. considers China as the “responsible stake holder.” In the beginning of taking the oval office, president Obama’s administration maintains good relationship with China. After the global climate summit of 2009, the U.S.-China relations begin to deteriorate because of the disputes of climate change. In 2011, the Obama administration redeploys and strengthens its military forces in the Asia-Pacific region to contain China again. The Author argues that the differences of U.S. China policy between the Bush and Obama administrations reflect not only the change of the international situation, but also reflects the rise of Chinese power. As the growing of China’s power and deepening of interdependence between the U.S. and China, the possibility of the U.S. taking hard policy position toward China will be decreasing.