本創作論述以“母與女”為主題。在創作技巧上,使用了形式的構圖佈置,運用油彩技法,使色彩更為調和,增加更多的繪畫元素,使色彩有更多變化。就創作者本人而言,創作之主題,乃由創作者本人之內心省思,轉換成另一種不同風貌,試圖把作者本人之情感,透帶有感動的筆觸,描繪作者本人之家庭經驗。因此,本創作之動機,乃要將早存在於心中對於親情之感受,以藝術之表達方式傳達到作品中,用以探究親情,並藉此體悟家庭真義,期許創作內容能為觀者帶來感動。在對創作論述方面,筆者採用文獻思考法、品質思考法及行動研究法完成。研究結果如下:一、反思個人藝術創作經驗,從而肯定親情感受。二、探討創作基礎理論,從美學及藝術理論中分析創作內容及其理念。三、嘗試把創作與實踐進行統合,加以反思詮釋創作與個人實踐之關係。四、提出創作論文綜合性結論,確立筆者繪畫未來的發展方向。 The subject of my paper is about the relation between daughters and I, that is, about the feelings of my family. I try to create my works by means of some techniques for the creation, for example, of composition which arranges formally the position of objects in the paintings, of the techniques of colors to make the paintings more harmony, and of more elements to make more changes of colors. The meaning for the author of such subject depends on my inner reflections which are transferred to different representations in order to bring my feelings to the brushwork in the paintings with my experience about my family. The motivation of my works is nothing but the communication from the feelings of family to the works in order to look for family-feelings, to understand its truth and to hope that viewers of my works can have the feeling like I. For the discourse the method of literature, of thinking of quality and of action can be used.The results of my paper are followings: 1. To reflect my experience of the art creation and therefore acknowledge my family-feelings more. 2. To research the bases of the theory of creation and to analyze the contents and it ideas in the works through the theory of art and of aesthetics. 3. To try to unify the creation with my practice in order to reflect the relationship between the works and my practical experiences. 4. To confirm the conclusions of my paper in order to make sure the roads how I develop my creations in the future.