關於運用資訊科技於顧客服務及關係管理上的研究,多從企業角度出發,鮮少從顧客角度進行相關探討。而新一代的溝通媒體,例如:部落格、Facebook、Twitter,提供了改變企業與顧客關係的機會。本研究從粉絲專頁使用者角度出發,佐以任務科技適配理論(TTF)及交易成本模式,探討其運用粉絲專頁於交易成本效益之影響。本研究以問卷調查法,以台灣Facebook粉絲專頁使用者為研究對象,以結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)檢驗研究假設。研究發現:(1)使用者之交易決策任務和粉絲專頁科技特質對任務科技適配中之娛樂性有正向影響;(2)任務科技適配中之娛樂性對於科技使用有正向影響;(3)任務科技適配中之娛樂性與科技使用對交易成本之降低有正向影響。研究結果將有助於企業理解粉絲專頁使用者在運用粉絲專頁於交易活動上之利益考量,進而幫助企業在運用粉絲專頁於顧客服務及關係管理等政策之制定。除此,在任務科技適配及交易成本理論運用於粉絲專頁使用之探索上,亦有貢獻。 This research, taking from Facebook users’ stances and couched on the synergic perspective of task-technology fit (TTF) and transaction cost, studies the usage of Facebook page in generating transaction benefit. An analysis of 188 questionnaires received from Taiwan Facebook page users shows that: (1)The customer-decision task and technology characteristics (both of perceive interactivity and service quality) make a positive effect on TTF-entertainment (2)TTF-entertainment makes a positive effect on usage.(3)TTF-entertainment and usage make a positive effect on transaction cost. The research findings serve as a good reference for business who intent to use Facebook in customer relationship management. In addition, the proposed synergy model of TTF and transaction cost make a theoretical contribution to customer relationship management and service quality research.