摘要: | 線上學習與評量是時下不可小覷的趨勢,更是學習者提升自我能力的工具,藉由網路無遠弗屆的傳遞,使得學習不受限於課堂上。對於國小學童而言,透過線上學習及評量的方式,可達到自主學習的功效,以提升課業成績;另一方面,對於教師教學而言,線上評量系統透過網路電腦化的測驗方式,得以加快試卷的批閱及成績的登入。然而,目前網路上雖存有許多線上學習及評量系統的相關性網站,但對於國小階段的學童及教師來說,卻仍有嫌不足的地方,例如:試題題庫太少、未能整合所有單元以及題目的難易度偏向簡單,以致未能提升學生實力等窘境。 為了解決上述的問題,本文運用自由軟體MySQL與PHP5,結合資料庫與動態網頁的系統功能,開發一個國小數學科線上學習及評量系統,並以命題光碟、電子書及歷屆考古題作為資料之來源,以提供學童線上學習及測驗的平台,進而提升學童對數學單元的了解。 There is no denying that On-line Learning and Assessment has become a trend nowadays, and it has also become a tool for learners to promote their capabilities. Through the Internet, learning is no longer restricted to the classroom. For elementary school students, they can learn independently to improve their grades by on-line learning and assessment. On the other hand, for the instructors, on-line assessment system can make correcting test papers and grade reports faster. Although there are many websites about on-line learning and assessment system on the Internet, for elementary school students and teachers, these websites still can’t meet their needs. For example, the examination question databases of these websites are too small, they don’t combine all the units of learning, and the material used for assessment tends to be easy. Therefore, these websites are unable to improve the students’ learning capabilities. In order to solve the above problems, this thesis makes use of free software, MySQL and PHP5, combining with databases and functions of the dynamic on-line pages, to develop an on-line mathematics learning and assessment system for elementary school students. The data sources of this system include the databases in the discs for setting examination papers, e-books, and past examination papers. This system offers a platform for students to learn mathematics and take examinations on-line, and makes them understand more about the mathematics unit they are learning. |