本論文旨在探討「工程採購使用政府電子採購系統滿意度調查研究」,比較不同背景變項的總務主任對政府採購系統的滿意度情形,提供系統改善與建議,讓系統更能符合使用者的需求。本研究目的為:透過滿意度調查結果,可以提供系統建置人員參考,讓未來電子採購系統足以支援提供總務主任在面對工程採購,強化其既有專業知能,輔助採購人員進行採購,更能符合使用者的期望。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以雲林縣全縣20個鄉鎮154所國民小學總務主任為研究對象。共發出154份問卷,回收138份,回收率約為89.61%,有效問卷138份,問卷可用率達100%。問卷調查結果經統計分析後,得到以下結論,分述如下:一、雲林縣國小總務主任以年齡在41-50歲間男性居多,教育程度 多為研究所(含)以上的學歷,服務年資以11-20年最多,任職學校主要在一般地方,學校規模以12班以下最多,採購年資以「2-5年」最多,採購年資偏低且流動性較大,並有一半以上的受訪者資訊能力佳並具備電子憑證應用能力。二、國小總務主任對在「資訊品質」構面滿意度最高,其他依序為「服務品質」構面,而以「系統品質」構面得分最低。三、國小總務主任在性別、學校地區、年齡、教育程度、服務年資、採購年資等個人背景變項皆無顯著差異;在學校規模變項有顯 著差異。四、資訊系統品質的資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質與政府電子採 購系統滿意度間呈正相關。五、資訊系統品質之「系統品質」及「服務品質」認知程度越高, 預測其對於「政府電子採購系統滿意度」越高。 The purpose of this thesis is to research the satisfaction of using the the government e-procurement system with the procurement of construction.It compares the satisfaction of the government procurement system in the different situations among various General Director. This research provides the system improvements and suggestions for the user needs. The goal of this study is to provide a system as references which are base on the results of the satisfaction survey. Another benefit is using the future E-procurement system is adequate to support the General Director for the Construction Procurement. By this method, it not only enforces the professional knowledge but also assisted procurement staff to make purchases. This achieves the users’ anticipations. The method of this study is questionnaire survey. The research examinee are from 154 primary schools in 20 townships in the county. The total issued questionnaires are 154, but 138 questionnaires are retrieved. The percentage of recovery is about 89.61%. The valid questionnaires are 138. The questionnaires can be 100% usable.After analyzing the results of questionnaires, the conclusion is as follow: 1. The age of the General Director i is mostly between 41-50 years and are male in Yunlin County Elementary school. The education backgrounds are more master degree. Most of them serve in the school around 11-20 years. They normally work in the common places. The class of a school has the latest 12 classes. The majority of the directors have been doing this work about 2-5 years. The seniority of the year is tending to be low and mobility. A half of the respondents is capable and has the electronic application certificates 2. The elementary General Directors present their highly satisfied with the quality of information and then service quality. Lastly, the system quality gets the lowest results.3. There is no significant difference among the gender, school area, age, education background, serve seniority, and purchased seniority while there is a remarkable different in the school scale variables. 4. The qualities of the information, system, service and government E-purchase system show the positive correspondent.5. The quality of information system and service gains the higher level of cognitions and also the satisfaction of the Government E-purchased System is higher.