據資料顯示,國內大專校院數量近年逐年不斷增加,學生能選擇的大專科目同時也隨之增加。學生在選擇其就讀科系或選擇研習課程時,所選擇的科目也不一定是選擇適合學生本身。本研究以某私立大學資訊管理系日間部之學生成績資料為例,運用SQL Server 2008所提供之資料採礦工具,分析學生成績資料之變化,針對結果提供相關建議,並設法改善學生學習狀況,以期能夠提高學生學習興趣,將阻力化為助力。 In view of the increasing number of college courses, students might not select the courses that suit them best. In order to provide suggestions for students when they encounter difficulty of choosing their courses, this study utilizes the data mining tool of SQL Server 2008 to analyze the data collected from students at a department of information management in certain university. Based on the suggestions, the students are expected to improve their course performance.