自從 2008年竄紅的「海角七號」開啟了一波國片的熱潮以後,近幾年台灣電影票房大幅度的成長,國片慢慢的受到各界更多的關注及重視。台灣不是向來沒有欣賞電影的人口及市場,重點在於如何引發民眾觀看國片的興趣和風潮,而電影行銷策略可能就是影響票房成功與否的一項關鍵因素。本研究以2008至2011年間共五部票房破億的國片為對象,分析電影的行銷策略以及執行作法有何差異或共通之處,探討哪些電影行銷的策略和作法可能對票房高低產生影響。 In the aftermath of the movie “Cape NO.7” which went successfully in theaters in 2008, the box office of Taiwanese movies has grown dramatically in the recent years, and domestic films have gradually commanded increasing public interests. Taiwan is not short of movie goers or box office markets the whole time. The issue is how the movie industry can motivate audience's interest in domestic movies. To this end, marketing strategies may be one of the key factors that determine whether a film would succeed. This study examines five domestic films that have set box office records with over a million dollars over the years 2008-2011 in Taiwan. Analysis of their marketing strategies and methods may reveal what promotion practices have affected the box office performance.