台南市安南區,地理位置基本上處於曾文溪和鹽水溪之間的古台江內海的浮覆地。因該區幅員遼闊,加上過去移墾的社會模式,移入居民多以一圈圈的聚落做為活動集散地,加上這些移民許多是來自南瀛地區(安南區北方),使得此區的聚落信仰型態與南瀛地區有所相似,而這樣的移墾特性加上聚落的圈域認同,型塑了安南區的信仰場域也呈現著一圈圈的模式。研究者欲討論的,即是安南區在此種信仰場域中的互動模式。也將討論的模式分為三種面向,一是透過進一步瞭解此區信仰模式的細節,諸如庄廟內的互動或是庄廟間的交陪關係,來分析今昔信仰模式的改變,及其改變的因素和變動模式。第二,由庄廟與在地社區的互動變化來討論此區信仰區塊的文化復興,由在地文史工作者的理想,延伸討論庄頭文化的串連,是否也為安南區的信仰場域帶來了另外的新模式。三,一覽過去對於技藝團體的研究,多集中於該技藝的儀式、展演,而較少針對技藝團體在信仰場域間互動的功能性做討論,本論文便在第三面相加入此種觀察面,探究技藝團體的社會性。 The AnNan District of Tainan city belongs to the Tidal Flats of Taijowan Bay and is bounded by the Zenwun River and the Yangshuei River. During the early reclamation, settlements were spot-distribution in this area. Since the majority of the immigrants were originally from Nanying area (南瀛), the religious habits at certain settlements were similar to Nanying area. Therefore, the religious spheres are also spot-distribution across AnNan District.The aims of this study are to discuss changes of religious sphere in AnNan District. This study also attempts: 1) to understand and analyze the factors related to changes of religious belief models of the past and present in AnNan District; 2) to discuss the possibility of creating new models of religious sphere in AnNan District with the revolution of local activities; 3) to investigate the potential role of folk art group when served as a cultural mediator of different religious spheres.