本文將針對峇里島現象與芳療文化進行探勘,藉由文化研究的角度,探討人類尋找烏托邦與樂園的心態與想像,最終目地在於表達「峇里島」文化圖像的形成,乃源自於芳療文化的療癒模式。 許多旅遊書或是旅行社行程,往往將峇里島定位在烏托邦、樂園或世外桃源的形象,因此島嶼旅遊的風氣蔚為一時,這種現象經由多數傳媒渲染後被閱聽人所樂於接受,也因此形成全球化的峇里島圖像。在這座島上,芳療文化的療癒過程展示得淋漓盡致,從人們決定去旅行那一刻起,就進入了療癒的階段,從開始到結束,從環境到人們、從內在到外在的影響,形成一套極為理想的療癒模式,也可以說是一個完整的療癒體系。 順應這股人類強烈的想望,峇里島觀光業蓬勃發展,Villa的興起將島嶼和芳療文化做了完美的接合,也再現了貴族奢華的藝術空間,本文運用文化迴路的觀點,將感官經驗結合文化研究的探討,並且以香氣的療程作為旅行模式的歸納,以期能看出峇里島文化圖像,以及芳療文化的深層結構之間,相輔相成的關係。 This thesis is a research on the aromatherapy culture in Bali. It will be argued that the longing for utopian comes from the aromatherapy culture and results in the cultural icon of Bali. It will be argued that as soon as people have decided to travel to Bali, they have been involved in aromatherapy, which forms a complete course of aromatherapy.This thesis combines sensational experiences with cultural studies, aiming at articulating clearly the relationship between the Bali icon and the culture of aromatherapy.