隨著國民水準的提升與保養觀念的普及,美容保養品由過去的奢侈品已經轉變為女性生活中不可或缺的必需品,近年來使用化妝品的消費者不但有明顯的年輕化趨勢,男性使用者也越來越多。在如此龐大的保養品市場中,所包含的品牌種類數量甚多,各國品牌也陸續搶攻台灣市場。因此,本土品牌的保養品牌專櫃相當程度的依賴專業美容師的銷售與服務。近年來服務疏失與服務補救的研究議題在服務產業中逐漸被人重視,當發生服務疏失時,妥善的服務補救將有助於廠商留住客戶,因此進一步探討服務疏失類型與服務補救方式將是化妝品專櫃市場相當重要且值得挑戰的課題。本研究的以國內某超過35年歷史的專櫃化妝品美容公司為研究個案,除經由文獻與個案訪談分析專櫃化妝品美容公司常見的服務疏失類型與補救方式,問卷分析的結果發現,當發生服務疏失時,「業者向消費者清楚解釋失誤所發生的原因」與「主管馬上出面協助處理」等心理補償的方式,以及「贈送一定程度價值的公司產品」實質補償的方式都可以有效的達到服務補救的效果。本文進一步根據研究發現提出幾點服務補救策略期能提供業者參考改善的依據。 In recent years, as people improve the quality of life, and maintenance of the popularity of the concept of skin care products from the past life of luxury has changed for women in the indispensable necessity. Consumers are not only significant cosmetic changes to the young, and male users increased also. Therefore, in such a huge market, including a variety of local and foreign brands, the competitive advantage of local brands, which rely on professional services of beauticians, thus, the issues of service recovery in the service vendors has gradually been seriously; Perfect remedy will help to retain customers. Therefore, further explore the service failure and the remedy is very important issue of cosmetics counter. The case is in the country with a history of more than 35 years of the company as the cosmetics counter. Through literature review and case analysis of the interviews and the survey method combined. Survey analysis found that, when service failure occurs, the "vendor clearly explain to consumers the reasons for what happened negligence" and "immediately come forward to assist in charge" and other methods of psychological compensation, or "compensation for certain value of our products" the other physical compensation all can be an effective way to achieve the effect of service recovery. In this article, make recommendations based on research findings, expected to provide vendors as a service improvement strategies.