長久以來,學習成效一直是學生家長及學校教師關注的焦點,而影響國中學生學習成效的相關變數大致可區分為個人、家庭及教育三大因素。然而,目前對於學習成效的研究方法多採用一般社會科學的靜態研究,至於複雜且環環相扣動態現象的討論則較為欠缺。因此,本研究嘗試運用 Vensim 套裝軟體進行有關國中學生學習成效模式建構與動態模擬來進行非靜態的討論。 研究模擬結果顯示,學生的正向情緒與學生的學習成效呈現正向的關係,當學生在學習上獲得成效時,通常會較快樂且充滿信心。此外,信心可增加學生的抗壓性,同時可正向的激勵學生的學習態度。有鑑於此,本研究亦發現,透過同儕輔導及親子時間等方法的使用可以增加學生的學習態度進而使學習情緒高昂,最終達到較佳的學習成效。因此,本研究對於國中學生學習成效行為的模擬與探討,著實提供一有價值的工具。 Learning performance always plays as a focal issue for parents and teachers dealing with junior high school students. There are three variables, individual, family, and education, to affect the learning performance of junior high school students. Most studies to investigate the learning performance adopt the static approach. However, the dynamic approach is less to apply in discussing such a complicate topic. This work tries to apply the Vensim software to construct a dynamic system for the investigation of learning performance of junior high school students. The research results reveal that the positive emotion of a student has the positive relationship of learning performance. In addition, the more learning performance obtains, the more happiness and faith exists. Actually, learning faith can enforce the better stress resistance, and then better stress resistance can stimulate the more positive learning attitude for a student. Moreover, this research also finds out that the more peer counseling and family time can raise the higher learning attitude of a student. Furthermore, the positive attitude pushes the higher learning emotion, and then the better learning performance is obtained. In sum, this work indeed provides a valuable tool for the investigation of the behavior of learning performance for a student in junior high school.