隨著國內跨國婚姻比例的增加,外籍配偶子女的人數也急遽增加,外籍配偶子女的教育問題日益為教育界所重視,影響外籍配偶子女學習成效的相關變數繁多,根據眾多變數,本研究建構出影響學習成效的三個主要部份,包含家庭文化、教師對外籍文化的認知、學習動機三個子系統。 本研究模擬結果顯現,若政府對外籍配偶子女教育政策加以重視,編列較多經費,可促使外籍配偶的家庭文化有所提升,教師對外籍文化認知亦會提高,進而使學生可以在較短時間內使學習動機達到高點,且在學習成效上也較為優異。 長期以來有關外籍配偶子女教育的相關議題大部分為靜態的研究,無法對有關政策的議題進行施行後對未來的評估。因此本研究運用Vensim套裝軟體進行動態系統模式的構建與行為模擬,以將過去靜態的研究議題推廣到動態的層次進行討論。本研究模擬的結果將提供有價值的參考建議,供有遠見的政策決策者一份參考建議。 This study tries to establish the three major parts of the inference of learning effectiveness; these three sub-systems are family culture, cognition of other culture and learning motivation. The simulation results show if government concerns the education policy for other culture and increases more funds, the family culture with non-native culture will be raised, and therefore, teachers will make their cognition of other culture be up. The learning motivation will quickly reach the higher point as well as achieve the better learning effectiveness because of the increment of cognition of other culture for the teacher. The issues of education for the children of foreign spouses always are static researches; therefore, these studies cannot make the future evaluation for the policy changes. Based on the above-mentioned reason, this work applies the Vensim packaged software to establish the system and conduct the behavior simulation, and therefore force such kind of works from static investigation to dynamic research. The simulation results indeed function as a valuable referenced suggestion for a policy decision maker with profound insights.