生產線平衡問題可分為單邊生產線平衡和雙邊生產線平衡,它們的主要差別在於生產路線的設計。雙邊生產線相較傳統的單邊生產線,具有縮短生產線長度、提高生產設備利用率以及降低生產成本等優點。因此,本研究將建構一個整數非線性規劃(Integer nonlinear programming, INLP)數學模型用來處理考量同步規劃及剛好及時(Just in time, JIT)生產下之雙邊生產線TALB第三類平衡 (Type Ⅲ)問題。 本模式在求解方面則利用Lingo extended version 套裝軟體內建之Global Solver 進行運算,並舉一數值範例進行求解說明。因此對於有關雙邊生產線平衡之Type Ⅲ最佳佈置可藉由本研究所提出的模式加以獲取。綜言之,本研究因採用套裝軟體進行模型之建構以求最佳解,因此在實務操作上,具有其重複應用之價值。 Assembly lines balancing can be categorized into one-sided assembly lines balancing (ALB) and two-sided assembly lines balancing (TALB). TALB can provide the following advantages over one-sided assembly lines: shorter line length, reduced throughput time, lower cost of tools and fixtures, and less material handling. Therefore, this study will to construct an Integer Nonlinear Programming (INLP) mathematical model to handle Type Ⅲ of TALB problem with considering of the synchronous and just in time (JIT). In addition, the proposed mathematical model is constructed by the syntax of the extended inversions of the software package Lingo, selecting a built-in Global Solver as its solution method, followed by a numerical example. This study creates a highly repeated characteristic because of the application of packaged software. Based on the above-mentioned reason, this study can be considered as a valuable decision tool for a production planner with profound insights.