禪宗北宗之「看心看淨」是不究竟的,是被南宗惠能大師批評指摘為大錯的。大正新修大藏經的經文用「著心著淨」,只合乎文字般若,卻不合乎禪宗禪法發展史實,應改為「看心看淨」。從著名學者潘重規等人的研究發現:唐代手抄本用字本來就是「看心看淨」,只是傳抄過程因字形極相近而誤會成「著心著淨」了,本論文將依序探討爬梳之。 《六祖壇經‧坐禪品》經文「不看心不看淨」才是符合義理、辭章、考據之學的,而大正藏電子佛典使用「不著心不著淨」,是受到少數學者誤導造成的。日本駒澤大學出版的《慧能研究》一書第一章《六祖壇經》,所提供的敦煌、惠昕、契嵩三個系統、五種版本經文對照,可證明經文改變是從惠昕本系統開始的,而且由日本的興聖寺本內容校勘附註及更改的部分可以得到佐證。少數學者可能只以佛法義理來直接判斷、定是非,而未能對北宗人「看心看淨」禪法的史實負責。 一般人知道不可「著心著淨」也算是不違背佛法教義了,也許將來有心深入研究時,才來發現另有北宗禪法採用「看心看淨」的時空背景吧! The Chan teaching of the Northern sect--"seeing the heart and seeing the purity" was considered a serious error and hence not ultimate, being heavily criticized by Master Huineng of the Southern sect of Chan. Moreover, in Taisho Tripitaka, the scriptures “attaching to the heart and attaching to the purity," rather than the correct scriptures "seeing the heart and seeing the purity," were adopted. Those scriptures are only in line with the "text with wonderful wisdom" (文字般若), but not in line with the historical development of the Chan sect. The studies of famous scholars such as Pan Chonggu(潘重規) show that "seeing the heart and seeing the purity" was actually used in the Tang manuscript. Just that in the process of transmission and copying it had been mistaken as “attaching to the heart and attaching to the purity" due to the similarity in form between the Chinese character “see”(看) and “attach”( ). This paper will clarify this historical fact. Therefore, the line "not seeing the heart and not seeing the purity" as in the "Sitting Meditation Chapter" of the Platform Sutra of the Six Patriarch duly conforms to meanings and textual research. Taisho Tripitaka’s "attaching to the heart and attaching to the purity" is clearly a wrong version in this regards as it is misled by a few previous scholars. The first chapter "The Platform Sutra of the Six Patriarch" of the book A Study of Huineng published by Komazawa University in Japan compares and contrasts the three sutric systems Dunhuang(敦煌), Huixin(惠昕), Qisong(契嵩), as well as five textual versions. The result testifies to the fact that the deliberate change from the use of the word "see" to "attach" starts from the Huixin system(惠昕系統). This view is supported by the collation, footnotes and modifications of another textual version called Xinsheng Temple version(興聖寺本). Scholars, though just a few, only made their straightforward judgement by referring to the Buddhist teachings only, without giving any consideration to the fact that "seeing the heart and seeing the purity" is historically founded -- though it should be said that "attaching to the heart and attaching to the purity" does not contradict too much with the Buddhist teaching.