本研究主要在瞭解影響居家照顧服務員工作滿意與留任意願之因素,研究對象為高雄市接受委託辦理居家服務單位之現任居家照顧服務員共計328人,經問卷調查回收有效樣本數為259 份。 經統計方法進行資料分析,有以下發現:1.高雄市居家照顧服務員以女性為主;年齡層分佈大多集中在45-54歲之間;高中職學歷居總樣本數之一半以上;已婚者(含離婚和喪偶者)佔九成以上;工作年資平均為3.5年;每月平均服務時數在117小時左右;有超過半數的樣本每月平均收入是20,000元以上。2.不同的個人背景變項分別在工作環境、工作條件與工作滿意各構面間有不同的差異情形與相關性。3.工作條件、工作環境對於工作滿意為顯著正相關之關係,且具有顯著的解釋力。4.工作滿意與留任意願為正向影響關係,且工作滿意可以用來解釋留任意願。 The purpose of this research is to understand the factors that home care employees influence job atisfaction and willingness of retentions. There are 328 home care target worker for the research commissioned by Kaohsiung City home care service. Moreover, the effective samples are 259 by going through survey questionnaire. Through data analysis of statistical methods, the findings are as below.1.The majority of Kaohsiung home care worker are females, which age mainly distributed around 45 to 54. More than half samples are academic background. Married (including divorced and widowers) are 90% or more. The average is above 3.5 years for working seniority, and it is around 117 hours for service hours per month. Furthermore, there are more than half samples which is over NT$20, 000 per month.2.The variables of different personal background among working environment, working condition, and working satisfaction respectively have different dimensions of variables and relevance.3.Working conditions and working environment for job satisfaction have positiverelationship and significant explanatory power.4. Job satisfaction and intent to stay has positive relationship, and job satisfaction can be used to explain the willingness of retention.