北斗鎮是全國女子樂隊密度最高的小鎮,其原因起源於北斗中學管樂指導陳丁財老師及其弟子,意外結合喪葬樂儀、美式學校行進樂隊與台灣民間藝陣,以妙齡女子表演當紅流行歌曲型態呈現,曾經紅極一時,同行競相模仿,弟子也紛紛自立籌組,是造成北斗鎮女子樂隊數量眾多的原因。如今,當年的妙齡少女已經人老珠黃,當年正紅的樂曲也已經過氣,「女子樂隊」這項北斗的特殊文化逐漸凋零。 本研究將「女子樂隊」定位為地方特殊文化創意產業,深入探討其發展緣由、經營方式與文化意涵,並提出樂隊技能的提昇與樂隊出團業務的創新兩項建議,其能幫助北斗鎮建立屬於北斗地區特有的文化資產,並喚起公部門的重視,協助保存「女子樂隊」文化資產,為北斗地區傳統文化再添生力軍。 This dissertation exploits two reliability issues pertaining to automatic manufacturing systems(AMS): the reliability of the manufactured products and the reliability of the equipment. Beidou Town has the highest density of female bands in Taiwan. Mr. Chen, Din-Tsai , the band director in Beidou High School, accidentally combined Taiwan folk parade formation with the funeral honor guard and American marching band, and had the young girls play the contemporary popular songs. His band had once been so popular that many other groups in the same field had tried to imitate it. Then, Mr. Chen’s students continually formed their won bands. And this is why there are numerous female bands in Beidou. However, the young girls in the past are no longer youthful today, and the popular songs at that time are out-of-date. Therefore, the female bands, the unusual cultural feature in Beidou, are getting withered. This research orientates the female bands as the creative industry of the local particular culture, and explores why they have developed, how they have been managed, and what their cultural meanings are. Finally, there are two suggestions for the bands to improve their skills and to increase the numbers of the diverse businesses. The purpose is to help this town create the local unusual cultural property of its own. Besides, the government should help reserve this cultural property in order to continue the traditional culture in Beidou.