近幾年來,國內節慶活動如雨後春筍般的出現,在社會快速變遷、全球化的趨勢下,傳統的節慶活動轉化為面貌多元的藝術文化展演慶典,透過活動的呈現,讓我們重新瞭解傳統文化被賦予的新意涵。本文試著以大士爺廟文化祭為例,探討節慶活動的內涵、變遷元素,並透過實際訪談及參與觀察方式,瞭解其與社區互動過程、影響因素及未來發展方向。具體而言,本研究之目的有四點:一、探究大士爺廟文化祭之變遷;二、瞭解大士爺廟文化祭辦理之模式;三、瞭解大士爺廟文化祭對社區居民之影響;四、提出相關單位辦理大士爺廟文化祭的建議。 經研究發現得到以下三點結論:一、鄉內組織協助辦理多元活動,改變了原本以傳統祭典為主的辦理模式。二、文化祭多元活動的舉辦由不同單位分別辦理,資源未能充分整合。三、透過文化祭融入更多文化藝術,開展社區居民對藝術文化的視野。 本研究結論與建議為:一、對主辦單位:1、落實「由下而上」決策,注重幹部訓練與組織分工;2、辦理規畫活動時,考慮社區居民參與需求;3、尋求多元管道資源協助,建立永續經營發展策略。二、對鄉內組織之建議:1、贊助活動經費,協助辦理相關活動;2、協助籌畫並且居中溝通協調;3、應積極投入,展現熱誠;4、配合社區需求,彈性調整相關行政措施;5、促銷農特產品,回饋給社區居民;6、配合辦理相關藝文活動;7、更多的志工加入行列,協助活動推展。 In recent years, the amount of festival events is greatly enhanced. Because of the social changes and globalization , traditional festival activities change their forms, such as the shows of art and culture. Through the activities, we can know the new meanings of traditional culture again. Using Minsyong Da-Shih-Ye Culture activity as an example, this essay describes the changes of society and Taiwanese Traditional Festival. Through the ways of interview and observation, we can understand the interact process with community, the influence and the ways of development in the future. Specifically, the main purposes of the study were to understand:1. To investigate the change of Minsyong Da-shih-Ye Temple Festival.2 .To understand the handles pattern of Da-shih-Ye Temple Festival.3. To understand the influence of Da-shih-Ye Temple Festival on community residents.4. The study not only discussed the research result, but also gave some suggestions to concerned organizations. The main findings of this study were as follows:1. The township organization assist to handle the multi-dimensional activities and change the handles pattern of the period regard traditional rite as principle.2.Because Da-shih-Ye Temple Festival are held by different organizations,the resources can’t be combite fully.3. By the holding of Da-shih-Ye Temple Festival, the community residents can enhance and open their international views of. culture of art. The conclusions and suggestions of the study are:1. For organizing unit:(1)To carry out “from top to bottom”. To Pay attention to cad re training and division of labor.(2)To consider the needs of community when planning activities.(3)To find helping from multidimensional ways and establish continuing tactics.2. For the orgnizations in Minsyong:(1)To support the funds for operation , and to help to plan related activities.(2)To help plan activities and communicate with each other.(3)They should join this activity with great enthusiasm.(4)To cope with the needs of the community residents and regulate related measures elastically.(5)To promote agricultural products to the community residents.(6)To help to plan related activities of art (7)More and more volunteers can join and help to popularize this activity.