摘要: | 不管要不要,全球化已經也正在發生,在經濟、政治、環境、技術、文化,甚至在人們的意識型態上發生影響力,讓全球不同地方相互間存在著關連和流動,並促使地方走向全球性狀態的社會進程,這進程牽引著在地人生活型態的轉變,在全球相互依存的驅動上,使得全球化需要深入到地方才能進行,而地方也需要全世界提供其存在的脈絡,所以,「巨觀」的全球化趨勢,與「微觀」的在地人文涵構,在地方彼此滲透相互轉化,這現象以人口密集的都市為最,也是都市治理者需面對的重要課題。 本研究從全球化相關論述出發,以臺中市為觀察此全球化社會進程的地方場域,從臺中過去的人文歷史與都市化空間發展過程中,發現早在臺中規劃為清代臺灣省城及日治市區改正的決策時,就已經展現治理者對臺中發展成為臺灣中心及現代化城市的企圖,也為日後成為臺灣中部核心都市打下良好的基礎。接續的治理者以都市計畫市地重劃為工具,不斷地讓農地變建地,引入更多的全球資本,開發建設成為理想的國際城市。在都市擴張發展政策下,連續14期重劃區與9個開發單元的大量土地釋出後,引來了眾多的財團建商與投資客,也引發了在地開發與保存間的衝突,都市化的結果,造成產業與空間結構的轉變,讓農業生產的綠地逐漸消失,抹除了既有的社會紋理,同時也造成老舊市區的衰敗,…。 針對以上這些課題,本研究亦檢視臺中市近十年因應「以文化、經濟、國際城」願景下,所推動的古根漢美術館、臺中大都會歌劇院、大肚山科技走廊與水湳經貿園區等標竿計畫,正是都市治理者以文化、意識型態全球化向度為首,開展經濟的全球化,其目的是加促在地的全球化,強化競爭力,以利與全球城市網絡接軌。這些緊跟著全球化腳步的都市建設行動,由於臺灣政治生態習慣以經濟發展考量的短線操作方式,往往急迫地造成在地的壓力與反彈。 這壓力與反彈的疏通,需透過民眾參與,甚至自力營造的方式來處理,這也是臺灣自解嚴後隨著民主意識崛起,社區營造與社區規劃,成了培養這股力量的時代政策,也是治理者對在地力量的正向運用。因此,臺中市自2001年開始推動的社區規劃師機制建置,及後來演變成在地社區自力營造的協力與培力機制,皆用來培養這股正向的草根在地力量,由下而上協助地方治理者,以反傳統都市規劃模式促動都市的良好發展,達成「共治」目的,這是以在地化滲透的方式,填補臺中為努力回應全球化而執行的重大建設所造成的疏漏缺口。 以上,這些都是本研究所致力探討的「臺中在地的全球化進程」。 With the irresistible impact of globalization process, people feel the effects of interaction and integration among economics, politics, environments, technology and cultures have gradually changed the way of people live, socialize and even subconscious. This process provokes a mutual influence and interaction between international countries and regional cities. Under the trend of macrocosm-level globalization, the microcosm-level regional social context has a particular transformation in a mutual way. Such a phenomenon especially occurs in urban area and becomes an important management issue for governments. Based on view of globalization process, this survey focus on the cultural and urbanized changing process of Taichung city, which has been planned partially in Ching Dynasty (1885) and layered during Japanese colonization(1900). Based on the former urban planning, Taichung City has been transformed into a modern city with a sequential of urban renewal policy and land release project. With an enormous amount of land release, numerous of investment and construction projects arise conflicts and tension between conservation and development. The result of urbanization caused several problematic issues, such as decrease of green land, erosion of historic social context, and degrading of downtown district…etc. To review the above problematic issues, a retrospect of the past decade of major projects of city government such as Guggenheim Museum, Metropolitan Opera Theater and Taichung Gateway Park City… will be carefully scrutinized to examine how a economics-oriented development project results in a conflict and tension between and city manager and community. To review the above problematic issues, a retrospect of the past decade of major projects of city government such as Guggenheim Museum, Metropolitan Opera Theater and Taichung Gateway Park City… will be carefully scrutinized to examine how a economics-oriented development project results in a conflict and tension between and city manager and community. Solutions for such problems rely on the communication and participation of community. Therefore, the local involvement in community planning will become a positive method to improve the general urban policy making process and mend the possible flaw caused by urban development. |