由於國內旅遊型態的改變,住宿的客群及動機更加多元,消費者所體驗到的感受可能因此有所不同,進而引發不同的消費行為。現今汽車旅館已成為許多消費者休閒、住宿的另類選擇,甚至陸客來台也指定要體驗汽車旅館住宿。因此汽車旅館業競爭激烈,業者必須提供符合消費者滿意的服務,以提升消費者的忠誠度,進而達到永續經營的目的。 本研究以消費者行為理論為基礎,以問卷調查為研究工具,探討消費者對汽車旅館服務品質、滿意度、體驗價值與忠誠度之關係。研究對象為有汽車旅館休息或住宿經驗的消費者,研究工具以描述性統計、差異分析、驗證性因素分析及結構方程式等統計方法。 研究結果分析顯示,追求高品質的服務已是最基本的消費需求,消費者的行為會受到消費者滿意度的影響,而決定顧客滿意度的重要因素就是服務品質。因此,提升服務品質以獲取競爭優勢是每一個企業奉為圭臬的經營法則,瞭解並回應顧客的需求是一個最好的經營策略,期望本研究對經營者和產業發展有所貢獻。 Owing to the change of domestic travel style, the variety of customers and of the motivation has diversified. Therefore, customers may have different perceptions to their travel experience which lead to different consumer behaviors. Recently, motels have been an alternative of lodging and leisure. With the dramatic competition of motel industry, the hoteliers should offer more satisfying service to maintain customers’ loyalty, and further, to have a sustainable operation. This study is base on the theory of consumer behavior with questionnaire survey. The purpose is to investigate the relationship among the service quality, consumers’ satisfaction, experience value and loyalty. The object of this study is the customers who have lodged in motels. We adopted descriptive statistics, the analysis of variance, and the confirmatory factory analysis as the statistic method. The result shows that satisfaction and consumers’ behavior had a positive correlation. The dominant factor influencing consumers’ satisfaction is service quality. We concluded that the best policy for motel owners was to response the customers need and to enhance the service quality.