本研究以曼谷 9 間寺院的遊客為研究對象,以旅遊動機、旅遊意象與旅遊效益間影響關係之研究,做深入的探討,以期許對遊客有不同的旅遊動機和產生的旅遊效益,為了泰國旅遊業的發展,並推動禮佛9間寺院的旅遊活動,提供給宗教或觀光單位更進一步的了解。 結果顯示,泰國曼谷9間寺院禮佛旅行的動機對遊客而言可以讓心朝謁飲水思源,放鬆身心,並且感受佛教莊嚴的氣氛,欣賞宗教文物。意象最深刻為古色古香的佛寺建築景觀,遊客藉由寺院地參訪可以讓心靈得到愉快平靜,增添生活情趣,並由殿堂巡禮、佛教文物、法會活動等感受宗教文化氣息得到旅遊效益,而加強遊客對泰國曼谷9間寺院的旅遊意象,更可以提升對旅遊的效益。 問卷調查中表示大多數年輕人開始對宗教產生興趣,顯示參觀寺院能提升對藝術的美感,且成為良好社會典範,增加社會正面影響。另外提供良好的休閒環境品質,保護古蹟,加強遊憩環境與服務設施的管理與維護,也是提升各項重要的一環,作為未來旅遊經營規劃參考之。 This research is based on the study of tourist’s motivation of religious tourism, tourism image and tourism benefit of the visitors at 9 buddhist temples in Bangkok. Deeper research was done order to achieve tourism motivation and provide the benefits of tourism, for the sake of development of Thailand tourism, to promote the tourism activities of 9 buddhist temples, and provide information to religions and tourism board. The results showed that, the pilgrims at 9 buddhist temples in Bangkok expressed the motivation of reviewing something from it ‘s origin, physical relaxing, to experience the solemn of the religious atmosphere, appreciate the Buddhist heritages. By enjoying the significant of the architectures of temples, visitors would also gain the peace of mind, enrich the lifestyles. The religion pilgrim, Buddhism heritage and activity and the experiences of the religious cultures and arts also providing the benefits of tourism. Questionnaire showed that more youths involved in religion activities, in respond to elevate the views of the arts and cultures, increasing a positive social images. Meanwhile, heritage protection, provide and enhance a quality and leisure environment, upgrading services and infrastructures are the important factors of promoting the above tourism activities, as a guideline of tourist planning in future.