美學勞動(aesthetic labour -AL)指具有漂亮長相、好聽聲音、標準身材等條件的員工,這些條件為餐旅業者招募服務人員(customer-contact employees)時之甄選標準。管理者相信擁有上述條件的員工不僅可替公司吸引更多的顧客,亦可傳遞公司的形象。本研究發現過去研究方向多傾向聘用美學勞動者會為組織帶來正面結果及組織如何招募或徵選此類員工。學者轉述餐旅業管理者的論點,他們(管理者)聘僱美學勞動是順應消費者需求。但過去的研究重點是,往往是企業管理者或經理人之決策或個人意見。故認為美學勞動者是吸引消費者來消費之主要原因或業績成長之因素會缺乏足夠證據來佐證。 探討組織如何招募或徵選美學勞動的文獻不少,但聘用美學勞動是否真是吸引消費者消費或業績成長的真正原因值得探究,另外將進一步探討美學勞動之甄選條件與企業形象之關聯性,而進一步影響知覺價值及忠誠度。為填補美學勞動之研究缺口,本研究以問卷方式進行資料收集,受測對象為餐旅業消費者。 本研究結果顯示出員工儀態、外觀及特質會影響著企業形象之好壞,員工儀態、外觀及特質越好則企業形象亦會越高,但員工之吸引力、品味、風格並不能提高企業形象。故在招募及徵選時不應該只是著重在員工的外貌、外觀是否漂亮、是否吸引人,亦要在徵選員工或培訓員工時著重在員工儀態上。如此一來不只在企業形象上能有所提升,亦進一步影響到消費者之知覺價值及忠誠度。 The purpose of the study is to investigate the influence of aesthetic labor on organizational images, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Aesthetic labor refers to the employees with beautiful look, graceful sound, and etc. Management in hospitality believes that aesthetic labor can attract customers and transmit organization images. Surprisingly, past research emphases on surveys of the views of individuals in organizations, either personnel professionals responsible for human resources or managers concerned with the business. There is a lack of evidence from customer to sustain the view that aesthetic labour is the reason for them to feel loyal to the brand or the organizations. In order to determine the relationship between the aesthetic labour,company image,price value and customer loyalty, the researcher will use survey to collect the data from restaurants customers. The result is expected to provide a different aspect for hospitality management to hire customer-contact employees.