摘要: | 本研究以台灣台南之烏山獼猴保護區為個案,探討當地發展野生台灣獼猴觀光餵食之歷史沿革、現況,並對未來提出建議。研究方法除了以文獻分析與實地觀察法外,並以田野調查的方式與觀光餵食之利害關係者進行深度訪談,以探究潛藏在台灣獼猴觀光餵食操作過程中之衝擊與風險。 研究結果顯示,烏山地區之觀光餵食活動已施行數年,主管觀光之公部門由於旅遊安全以及社會輿論之壓力因此涉入不深;至於當地致力發展觀光餵食之私部門由於受限於人力、財力,因此在餵食活動的同時,鮮有配套之管理措施。此外本區域由於多年之餵食活動,致使獼猴之族群成長率高於其他區域,在現有棲地已不足以支撐其族群成長之情況下,外加上未強制定點餵食,導致目前獼猴族群已向山下人類居所擴散,並因此衍生諸多人、猴不良互動。由於觀光餵食目前在國內外仍具爭議,但不可諱言其是拉近人與自然的一種有效方式,遊客在體驗餵食的過程大多都能有高的滿意度。因此在餵食計畫進行之前,本研究建議應先制定場域選定準則,並以執照的發放作為活動控管的依據;此外,餵食區域亦應長期監測,以利評估活動過程所引發之衝擊與風險。期盼能在有效的管理與監控下兼顧觀光之經濟發展以及生態保育,透過與野生動物間之和平共存達到互利共生。 This research as a case study, based upon semi-structured interviews, aims to explore issues of feeding macaque, interview stakeholders of Wushan macaque reserved area, and by personal observation, tries to offer a deep interview close to the truth. From such, inducing various comments in some extent could be said to be a way to rethink the interaction between human and between them for a win-win situation. The study results showed that many tourists have had a precious wildlife, and most importantly, to clear identify the conflicts and problems touring experiences when feeding macaque in a close distance, and it is good for local economical development; however, the feeding program conducted in this place has no sufficient management regime applied, such as no feeding restricted zone was planned and no interpretation involves, only passive management, for instance, the prohibition board existed. Even more, tourism bureau has not yet to instruct and manage these, but only local township administration and agricultural section of the county government deal with these feeding issues that apparently shows the resources disintegrate. In other words, governmental departments currently seldom help and interact with each other, and have no appropriate ways for communication. Additionally, from literature review and interview, many critics draw much attention to ecological conservation, and seldom mention tourism and local development. For solving previous- mentioned conflicts, this study suggested that the locale community could be a bridge between governmental and private departments to set restraints to tourists, and have supporting strategies to management, for example, the planning of feeding zones, educating feeding skills, and providing environmental interpretation, etc., that will have well economical developing for tourism and ecological conservation. In summary, this study looks forward to offering people to rethink and identify relationship between human and wildlife, to coexist harmoniously and mutualism. |